Tag Archives: INCAPABLE of success

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 4.28.2014

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Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

White House: Putin’s Inner Circle ‘Going to be Affected’ By New Sanctions


Rumor: Obama puts Putin on “Double-Secret Probation”

U.S. Beefs Up Military Options for China as Obama Reassures Allies in Asia


Since Obama is cutting the Military back to “Pre-WW 2 levels”, does this mean we will see a new version of the American Volunteer Group ???

Today’s Islamic Extremism the Fault of Bush and Blair? Former PM Pushes Back Hard


Sounds like the Obama-controled media is not only blaming George W. Bush for Obama’s problems, but now they are blaming the former British Prime Minister.

The Obama Administration must be desperate !!!

United Nations Elects Iran to Women’s Rights Commission


Get the U.S. out of the U.N. & the U.N. out of the U.S. !!!

CAIR, Allies Campaign to Cleanse Truth From 9/11 Museum


Al-Qaeda Declares ‘We Must Eliminate the Cross’


Britain is a ‘post-Christian’ country says former Archbishop


Sharia in America: Democrats and Muslim Legislators seek to criminalize free speech

Our free speech is threatened by Islamic supremacists and their Democrat lapdogs under the guise of “hate speech.”


And the Islamists are pushing for a post-Christian America

Radical Islam rising America

L.A. Clippers Owner to GF: Don’t Bring Black People to My Games


In all the hubbub, I have not heard anyone mention this man’s First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech. If you disagree with what he said (and I think most do) you can refuse to patronize his business and you can refuse to work for him, BUT YOU CANNOT DENY HIM HIS FREEDOM OF SPEECH as GUARANTEED by the CONSTITUTION !!!

This is the EXACT REASON the First Amendment was added to the Constitution – TO ALLOW AMERICANS TO EXPRESS UNPOPULAR IDEAS without penalty !!!

GOP Leadership Plotting to Pass Amnesty in August, May Put Arizona, Texas in Play for Dummycrats


GOP “leadership” is more interested in working for Democrats’ agenda than they are working for the good of America . . . Let’s forcefully retire them in November !

Immigration Overhaul for 2014: Decidedly Not Dead



I believe the Dummycrats are so desperate that they want IMMEDIATE AMNESTY and a quick way to make ILLEGAL ALIENS into U.S. Citizens so they can vote for Dummycrats !

Undocumented Democrats

Report: Appeals court judges violated ethics laws


The Holder Injustice System, best decisions money can buy

Obamacare deals blow to one-doctor medicine


Welcome to the “joys” of Socialized Medicine !!!

Obamacare to Dictatorship

New IRS bombshell: ‘Most audacious power play yet’


Recommitting to an America that Works


Sarah Palin to GOP Establishment: ‘Get with It and Join Those Tea Party Patriots’


In Maine, Rand Paul says GOP must grow to win


Tea Party, Rand Paul Stomp Establishment in Maine GOP Convention Straw Poll


ted or rand 2016

It’s Time For Congress to Take Back the Power to Make Laws


How Affirmative Action Hurts Minorities

one of the highest Hispanics in the land argues that, without preference policies, minorities can’t hope to reach a proportionate participation in universities.


Where is the OUTRAGE? If a White man said, “without preference policies, minorities can’t hope to reach a proportionate participation in universities”, there would be HELL TO PAY !!!  He would be saying that minorities are NOT EQUAL, that they are INCAPABLE of success without help, without “guidance” from Whites they can’t do anything on their own! 

Since one of the highest Hispanics in the land” has made that statement, does that mean it’s TRUE?

Remember: REPUBLICANS passed the Civil Rights Bill – the  Democrats voted against it & TRIED TO BLOCK IT !!!  Perhaps the headline should read:

“Supreme Court Justice says all minorities are helpless creatures – need help from Whites to survive”

Armed Agents.. Guns Pointed At American Citizens.. America’s New Normal..Read the rest of this Liberty Alliance article here: http://libertyalliance.com/2014/04/told-armed-agents-guns-pointed-american-citizens-americas-new-normal/#lvJgY4EQaijmY68s.99

Armed Agents.. Guns Pointed At American Citizens.. America’s New Normal..

Armed Federal Agents Pointing Guns at American Citizens, Over MONEY
A year ago… I told you our Department of Justice and the IRS were out of control… that our country was moving in the direction of a police state with these agencies using para military Gestapo tactics, raiding small businesses across the country and most importantly, pointing guns at innocent citizens accused of no crimes ….. pointing loaded guns at citizens whose bosses were accused of non violent white collar crimes… i.e. tax mistakes.
Since when is it okay for the IRS and Justice Department to point loaded guns at Americans over tax issues?   JanMorganMedia.com

Obamas America Gestapo Tactics

Obama’s new pardon chief funded ACORN

Steered money to litany of controversial, radical organizations


The Climate Inquisitor


Wayne LaPierre: Media Are ‘One of America’s Greatest Threats’

“Here’s how you know they’re lying: They still call themselves journalists,”


Wayne LaPierre is RIGHT! The mainstream media is Obama’s Propaganda Ministry !!!

Goebbels would LOVE


“Everyone is in favor of free speech; hardly a day passes without its being extolled. Some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.” – Sir Winston Churchill



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

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