Explaination of “Quislingcare”

From my post of December 14, 2013:

Another Example of Obama’s President Quisling’s Disrespect For AMERICA’S HEROES . . . “the Third Row!”


Thanks to my old friend Craig for sending this to me. The only uniform that Craig (or I) have ever worn was that of a Boy Scout, but we BOTH have more respect and gratitude for America’s Heroes than he who occupies the White House. And I do mean OCCUPY, like the Germans occupied Norway during World War Two!

And yes, this president is truly a Quisling.

Quisling: From Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945), Norwegian fascist politician who headed the puppet government during the German occupation of Norway in World War II; shot for treason after Germany’s defeat. First used in London “Times” of April 15, 1940.

Maybe I’ll start referring to this President as “President Quisling”     instead of “Il Duce Junior”   Just about the same

. . . Either description fits the man him.

So if Obama is referred to as “President Quisling”, Obamacare MUST be “Quislingcare”

What do YOU think?