Tag Archives: last of the Mohicans

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.12.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Iran Says It Has Copied a Captured U.S. Drone — and the Ayatollah Even Tweeted a Photo


Fatalities Reported After Armed Men, Allegedly Ukrainian National Guard, Open Fire on Crowd


Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote


And our fathers and grandfathers thought they had taken care of that “little problem”.


Dummycrats Now Calling Benghazi Select Committee a ‘Kangaroo Court’


“They are a breed apart and make no sense.” – Chingachgook, last of the Mohicans

Benghazi hearings wall

Have all of the questions about Benghazi been answered?‏

It has been repeatedly stated that all of the questions about Benghazi have been answered, and that this is “old news.” If that is the case, can anyone answer the legitimate questions raised in this three minute video? Don’t we owe it to the Americans (including two Navy Seals) who died there for us to get the answers, and why are these legitimate concerns merely being labeled as political posturing?

What Nancy Pelosi Claims Two Families of Benghazi Victims Have Told Democratic Lawmakers


“It is better for someone to think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” ― Will Rogers

Nancy Pelosi for Conservatives

Eleanor Clift’s Absolutely Astonishing Benghazi Claims Could Raise Your Blood Pressure Just a Tad

“I would like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not ‘murdered,’” Clift exclaimed (even adding air quotes for good measure), “he died of smoke inhalation in a safe room in that CIA installation.”


I may have to apologize to Nancy Pelosi. This woman makes Nancy look like an intelligent, Conservative woman! 

If Ambassador Stevens died of “smoke inhalation”, than President Kennedy died “in a traffic accident” !!!

“Life is tough. It’s tougher when you’re STUPID.” – John Wayne as Sgt. Stryker

John Bolton: Benghazi to ‘haunt’ Hillary for 2016

Clinton ‘going to have to answer’ for fatal onslaught


“The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.” ― Will Rogers

Hillary Truth 2016

Bolton: Benghazi to ‘haunt’ Hillary for 2016

Clinton ‘going to have to answer’ for fatal onslaught

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/bolton-benghazi-to-haunt-hillary-for-2016/#5tq0x6Gj81jue5ZK.99

Obama, State Fall on Sword to Protect Islamists


Will the House arrest Lois Lerner?

The House has held Lois Lerner in contempt, but it won’t use its power to place the former IRS official under arrest, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said on Sunday.


John Boehner seems to think the Obama Administration will respond to “pretty please with sugar on top” !!!

I Checked My “Privilege”, And It’s Doing Just Fine


Obama Nominates Anti-Constitution Lawyer to Federal Court


Obama Shadow - 3 More Years of Tyranny

Obama Nominates Anti-Constitution Lawyer to Federal Court
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/6107/obama-nominates-anti-constitution-lawyer-federal-court/#1xR9bcLyErBsp8gA.99

Meet the new fascists – and their victims

David Kupelian documents shocking wave of totalitarian attacks in America


“Fascism should more appropriately called Corporatism because it is the merger of State and Corporate power” – Benito Mussolini

Just about the same

Meet the new fascists – and their victims

Exclusive: David Kupelian documents shocking wave of totalitarian attacks in America

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/meet-the-new-fascists-and-their-victims/#c5QvyYluJk1MdAXq.99

Congressman Laying Groundwork For Executing American Citizens


Show Us the Drone Memos


Summary EXECUTION of American citizens without trial? Yes, this needs to be investigated. If the American citizen is shooting at American troops, I have no problem with it.

But otherwise, Obama had better have a


Obama Rips Constitution

Who Will Blink First on Immigration?


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


I’m sure AMERICAN workers are thrilled !!!

Undocumented Democrats

Rubio Has Blunt Words on Climate Change, Hillary Clinton


Marco Rubio: I’m Ready to be President


We could do worse – but I think we can do better.

ted or rand 2016

Tea Party Alive And Well – And Influencing Blacks


Why The Tea Party Won


Tea Bag Dec 16 1773.

Tea Party Boos, Heckles Eric Cantor in His Home District — and That Wasn’t Even the Worst of It


Eric Holder Guns Down Gun Owners and Journalists


guns ban assault on guns 2

New Court Ruling Will Change How And Where You Drive


Woman faces wiretapping charges after allegedly recording her own arrest


Just Wait Until You Hear What UCLA Student Government Candidates Are Being Asked to Sign


Widow May Be Caned After Gang Rape by Sharia Vigilanties


THIS is the SHARIA LAW that many want to bring to the United States !!!   Do YOU want THIS in AMERICA ???

Radical Islam rising America

School scorched for having kids bow to ‘sun god’


We can have the “sun god” in schools but NOT the Ten Commandments? Yeah, Sure, THAT makes sense !!!

School scorched for having kids bow to ‘sun god’
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/school-scorched-for-having-kids-bow-to-sun-god/#xDtPjTdKXevlPFhi.99

Need Help Solving 14 + 4? How-to-Add Guide Is Your Ticket to Mathematics Salvation


I’m certainly no math genius, but it’s obvious from this story that, considering the way basic math is being taught, the answer is HOME SCHOOL YOUR KIDS !!!

New Battle Against the Bureau of Land Management Breaks Out in Utah — Here’s How Dozens Just Protested the Federal Agency


Nothing Could Prepare Her for What Would Happen After She Threw Out the First Pitch


“Government is, at every level, an insatiable beast. It has neither brain nor conscience, only a perpetually ravenous appetite. If we allow it, when it has eaten all we can give it, it will eat us too.” – Thomas Madison….



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.3.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !



I have personally met and talked with Matt Bevin. I believe him to be OPEN, HONEST AND SINCERE, a TRUE CONSERVATIVE !   Before our meeting I had planned to vote for Matt as a vote in opposition to Mitch McConnell. After the meeting, I planned to VOTE FOR MATT BEVIN BECAUSE OF THE TYPE OF MAN HE IS. I strongly urge you to join me in VOTING MATT BEVIN – THE NEXT SENATOR FROM KY.


REMEMBER: Election Day is Tuesday, May 20th !!!

Bevin for Senate

John Boehner to Appoint Special Benghazi Committee With Trey Gowdy in Charge

Boehner had been cool to the idea of forming a committee to probe the attacks that left four Americans dead, but sources close to the speaker say a new email released this week showing that the Obama administration sought to downplay initial reports of terrorism was the ”straw that broke the camel’s back.”



Rush Limbaugh: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2014/05/02/good_news_trey_gowdy_to_lead_the_select_committee_on_benghazi

The Blaze: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/05/02/john-boehner-to-set-up-special-benghazi-committee-wants-trey-gowdy-to-lead/

The Weekly Standard: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/leadership-aide-boehner-seriously-considering-select-committee-benghazi_789000.html

John Kerry Subpoenaed Over Benghazi Stonewalling


H O O R A Y   ! ! !

Obama I am NOT a CROOK

Bret Baier Grills Snarky Little Regime Pajama Boy on Benghazi


Liberal TV Host Bob Beckel Explodes With Fury, Seemingly Admits There Was a Benghazi Cover-Up: ‘So What?!’


Jay Carney: I Wish Republicans Would Stop Talking About Benghazi



The whole Communist, Fascist, Muslim Brotherhood-loving bunch of you are about to GET THROWN OUT !!!


Pelosi and Democrats are Panicking Over Renewed Benghazi Scandal


Pelosi and Democrats are Panicking Over Renewed Benghazi Scandal
Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/05/pelosi-democrats-panicking-renewed-benghazi-scandal/#qI5q7oM6DuXBhwi7.99

The Drive-By Media’s Behavior on Benghazi is Like Woodward and Bernstein Helping Nixon Cover Up Watergate


Bengahzi News Media jpeg

Carney in Wonderland:

Carney in wonderland

Michael Savage: ‘Obama should be arrested for sedition’


Father of Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi Has Some Select Words for the Obama Administration After Latest Revelations


Hillary witch hunt

Savage: ‘Obama should be arrested for sedition’
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/savage-obama-should-be-arrested-for-sedition/#AGED07x5ReJqLT22.99

Clashes, fire in Odessa leave dozens dead as Ukraine crisis flares


Putin Imposes Secret Sanctions on Pro-Gay Obama Campaign Donors

The Kremlin has expanded a secret list of Americans banned from entry to Russia, and campaign bundlers tied to the LGBT community are on it.


Dueling sanctions? Cue the banjo music.

Get Ready for Regulators to Peer Into Your Portfolio


Not Just Bundy: Feds Monitor This Rancher’s Every Move With Cameras


U.S. Left: Bundy Is Racist, So Property Rights No Longer Exist


U.S. Left: Bundy Is Racist, So Property Rights No Longer ExistRead the rest of this Liberty Alliance article here: http://libertyalliance.com/2014/05/u-s-left-bundy-racist-property-rights-longer-exist/#lAM8e7wHXbiY3HYC.99

Obamas America Gestapo Tactics

Hollywood Star Warns That America Is Sliding Headfirst Into Socialism

“There’s a polarization that’s happening … I do think you look can look at government and go, ‘Wow, it is out of control now,’ and if you do criticize or tend to be not directly along a liberal stand, you can get murdered,”


That’s not news, Rob. It has been going on since the Theodore Roosevelt Administration !!!

Joseph McCarthy was proven CORRECT in most cases !!!

It’s Time to Correct the Record on Joseph McCarthy


Obamanomics: 92 Million Americans Not Working



Don’t understand the reference?  The name is based on “Hoovervilles”

Hoo•ver•ville – n.
A crudely built camp put up usually on the edge of a town to house the dispossessed and destitute during the depression of the 1930s.
Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

See the photo (below) of a Hooverville during the Great Depression.


Dummycrat Hopes Depend on Turning Out Single Women and Minorities by Calling Republicans Racist, Sexist, Bigot, Homophobes


In other words, the same lying B.S. they’ve used for YEARS !

National Intel Partners: Islamists In, Muslim Reformers Out


“They are a breed apart and make no sense.” – Chingachgook, last of the Mohicans

Head teachers raise ‘serious concerns’ over Islamic school take-over

Concern of ‘Trojan Horse’ plot spreads to three more state primaries as head teachers’ leaders voice concerns for the first time over the Islamic infiltration at schools in Birmingham


You can look for that to happen in America –

if it hasn’t started already !!!

Radical Islam rising America

Doctor accuses VA hospital staff of delaying patient care


‘Bigger than Bundy’: Land agency’s battles go beyond rancher dispute


Shrewd 14-Year-Old Understands Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives


Tense Video: Reporter Writes ‘Blah Blah Blah’, Asks Mocking Climate Change Question — GOP Candidate Finally Had Enough


Cops Must Swear Silence to Access Vehicle Tracking System


Big Brother is still Watching SCOTUS doesnt care

Senator Rand Paul Introduces the Stand with Israel Act of 2014

 Senator Paul introduced the Stand with Israel Act of 2014 to condition all U.S. aid to the Palestinian government on it agreeing to a ceasefire and recognizing the right of Israel to exist.

The recent announcement of a Fatah-Hamas unity agreement brings both danger and opportunity to the peace process, and the next five weeks may prove critical.

Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with an entity that does not believe it should exist and that has used terrorist tactics to seek its end.

The new unity government has a chance to put itself on the record as clearly believing in the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, as Israel recognizes the right of a Palestinian state to exist. It should also declare an immediate and lasting ceasefire to enable negotiations. 

If that is accomplished swiftly, the peace process can move forward with two willing partners.

In the absence of such a clear, unambiguous statement on the part of the newly unified Palestinian government, the United States should act to enforce the law and condition aid to the Palestinian government on their recognition of Israel’s right to exist.

Click HERE to read the bill.

Goodlatte Tells Hollywood: Immigration ‘Grand Bargain’ Coming

House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said Friday at Hollywood’s “Creativity Conference” in Washington that there is a “grand bargain” in the works on amnesty.



The Political Need for an Obamacare Alternative

Latest congressional polling suggests the issue is pressing.


World View: President Obama Accuses Vladimir Putin of Being a Liar


I seem to remember an old saying about the pot calling the kettle black . . . I’m sure Obama is correct in this case, but let’s face it, almost every time Obama’s lips move –



“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher


Bevin Senate 2014

“The Constitution is not the problem. It is emphatically the answer!” – Shane F. Krauser, Director, American Academy for Constitutional Education



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag


Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 4.23-24.2014

Paul Reveres Daily News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

U.S. to Move Troops to Allies Near Russia as Tensions Flare in Eastern Ukraine

Pentagon Seeks to Reassure NATO Allies as Kiev Accuses Pro-Russian Forces of Killings


US troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis


A Putin affiliate evokes Hitler. The West should be worried

You hear similar arguments now about Putin and Russian-speaking peoples: Crimea is Russian. Eastern Ukraine is Russian. Maybe some of the Baltic states are Russian, too. Who knows? 


“Well, there are some things a man just can’t run away from.” – John Wayne as Ringo Kid

Obama wants to train Libyan pilots, again

Wants restrictions lifted so candidates from terror-linked nation can study in U.S.




Obama Commie

Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn’t ‘switched sides in the War on Terror’ and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report

  • Citizens Committee on Benghazi claims the US government allowed arms to flow to al-Qaeda-linked militants who opposed Muammar Gaddafi
  • Their rise to power, the group says, led to the Benghazi attack in 2012
  • The group claims the strongman Gaddafi offered to abdicate his presidency, but the US refused to broker his peaceful exit
  • The commission, part of the center-right Accuracy In Media group, concluded that the Benghazi attack was a failed kidnapping plot
  • US Ambassador Chris Stevens was to be captured and traded for ‘blind sheikh’ Omar Abdel-Rahman, who hatched the 1993 WTC bombing plot


Benghazi 03

Activity at North Korea site hints at nuke test


How the UNAffordable Care Act Could Collapse

Court cases involving religion have a way of stopping big social legislation.


Obama wants to train Libyan pilots, again

Wants restrictions lifted so candidates from terror-linked nation can study in U.S.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/obama-wants-to-train-libyan-pilots-again/#lqmrIXPV2hijEPJL.99

 BLM eyeing land grab along Texas-Oklahoma border


Dont mess with texas 2

‘Trespass Cattle’: Here’s a Look at One of the Latest Theories on the Bundy Ranch and the Feds


Wage Discrimination


Interfaith Panel Denounces a 9/11 Museum Exhibit’s Portrayal of Islam


WE are supposed to be concerned because THEY are offended by a video? Personally, I find their ATTACKS UPON AMERICA to be QUITE OFFENSIVE !!!

How about a compromise: When the MUSLIM TERRORISTS stop attacking AMERICA, we will become somewhat concerned about OFFENDING MUSLIM TERRORISTS !!!

Dont tread on me

Four Points From Justice Antonin Scalia’s Scathing Dissent in Supreme Court Ruling to Allow Searches Based on Anonymous Tips


Search and Rescue Group Sues FAA Over This ‘Inconceivable’ Restriction


CARSON: When government looks more like foe than friend

Feds who send arms against ranch families betray American values


“Lord, the money we do spend on Government and it’s not one bit better than the government we got for one-third the money twenty years ago.” ― Will Rogers

Under the feds boot

The High Cost of Liberalism: Part II


The Growing Perils of the Cashless Future


Coalition of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Groups Forms Voting Bloc/Muslim Brotherhood Political Party

The Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and seven other terror-tied CAIR, groups have announced the formation of the US Council of Muslim Organizations . . . with the ultimate objective of ‘institutionalizing policies’ favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.


Remember, I told you there was a push to institute


Are you prepared for “Honor Killings”? All women being required to wear Burqas, not leave the house without an escort, not being able to vote or drive a car? How about arranged marriages? This is all part of SHARIAH LAW !

If followers of the Muslim religion wish to follow this practice, fine. But when they want to FORCE IT ON AMERICANS – THEY CAN FORGET IT !!!


IRS employees with tax and conduct issues still got awards, watchdog report finds


“I don’t make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts.”  ― Will Rogers,

Flat Tax abolish irs

Comments on “Earth Day”

“Today is Vladimir Lenin’s birthday, April 22, 1870. A hundred years later to the day a group of hippies started Earth Day. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence. They deny it, of course.” – Erick Erickson

“Ira Einhorn, co-founder, Earth Day, convicted murderer.  Another highly respected, honored leftist icon.  By the way, again, Ira Einhorn supports a carbon tax.  You add the carbon tax to the 70% income tax, it is hard to imagine what life in this country would be like 10 years from now if Obama and the Democrats win in 2014.” – Rush Limbaugh

13 Most Ridiculous Predictions Made on Earth Day, 1970 — Jon Gabriel


“They are a breed apart and make no sense.” – Chingachgook, last of the Mohicans


Unmasking the Imperial Presidency


Lawyers Deliver First Amendment Lesson After Parents Accuse Teacher of Banning Child’s Bible


Don’t Applaud Illegal Immigrants, Hold Them Responsible for Breaking the Law


What Happens When Reporter Relentlessly Presses State Department Official to Name One Accomplishment From Hillary-Led Initiative?


Hillary Truth 2016

‘Reckless and Irresponsible’: Dem Maryland Governor Candidate’s Attack on His Iraq War Vet Opponent Backfires

“Doug Gansler has just again exhibited a lack of judgment, in this case his treatment of military veterans,” Brown said. “Each of them has a real job.”


“Bless ’em all, The long and the short and the tall . . .”


Pelosi: GOP Budget Takes Food Away from People of Color


Nancy Pelosi for Conservatives

Georgia governor to sign ‘unprecedented’ bill expanding gun rights


Is it true that a sales pitch for a Glock pistol is called a Glockenspiel ?

Sheriff ran air surveillance over Compton without telling residents


Big Brother is still Watching SCOTUS doesnt care

Ten Things You May Not Believe Have ‘Actually’ Been Blamed on “Global Warming”


The number one cause of “Global Warming” is the hot air emanating from Al Gore’s BIG MOUTH !!!

Gore disturbance in the farce


“The Constitution is not the problem. It is emphatically the answer!” – Shane F. Krauser, Director, American Academy for Constitutional Education



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag