Tag Archives: CIA

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.21.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

McConnell crushes Tea Party challenge


“Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout; 
But there is no joy in Mudville . . .”

Tea party sinks in GOP primaries

Republican Old Guard wins internal ‘civil war,’ crushes conservatives


Paul Revere Soapbox

America has apparently decided that obeying the Constitution is “extremist” and they would rather take the non-extremist position that America should officially become a Fascist Police State.

Take a look at recent headlines:

  • Obama seizes N.M. land
  • The federal government can prevent American farmers from participating in the free market
  • White House ‘picking up the pace’ on executive actions
  • Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records
  • New Technology Could Allow Government To ‘Turn Off’ Your Gun
  • Michelle Obama tells students to monitor family members for ‘racial insensitivity’
  • This Veterans Hospital Death Panel Is a Preview of Life Under Obamacare
  • Obama on Benghazi: ‘It’s Not Serious’
  • Judicial Watch’s IRS Investigation Leads Directly to Washington
  • Obama VA Scandal: Racehorse California Chrome Gets Faster Health Care Ruling Than Our Veterans Left to Die
  • The Part of the Obama Administration That’s Supposed to Help U.S. Workers Is Calling for More Foreign Labor

The American voters, in their “infinite wisdom” have decided that the events chronicled above are to become the “new American norm”. Our president has become a dictator, and he wields unlimited and unchecked power to force his dictates on Americans through the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, the Justice Department, and the number of federal “SWAT Teams” that are growing exponentially.

Will Rogers once said, “It’s a good thing the American people aren’t getting all the government they’re paying for.” Well, TODAY THEY ARE GETTING IT – AND THEY HAVE VOTED FOR IT !!!!

Just about the same

Tea party sinks in GOP primaries

Republican Old Guard wins internal ‘civil war,’ crushes conservatives

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/establish-this-tea-party-sinks-in-gop-primaries/#gYL3YWQSESRwSssR.99

Congressman: House of Cards Isn’t Too Off-Track


‘Putin is behaving just like Hitler’, says Prince Charles. Prince’s controversial verdict on Russian leader’s invasion of Ukraine

  • Prince Charles likened Putin’s behaviour in Ukraine to that of Hitler
  • Royal made comment to a Jewish woman who fled Holocaust
  • He said: ‘And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler’
  • Prince Charles and Camilla are on a short Royal tour of Canada
  • Deputy PM Nick Clegg says prince is ‘free to express himself’


Russian prime minister warns Obama is bringing the world to the brink of ‘a second Cold War that nobody needs’

  • Dimitry Medvedev blasted Obama for not ‘know[ing] how to make reserved, careful, subtle, wise and intelligent decisions’
  • A more ‘competent politician,’ he said, wouldn’t have slapped Russia with economic sanctions after it marched across the Ukraine border
  • ‘We probably could cause some unpleasantries for the country that imposes those sanctions,’ he hinted in a moment ripe for The Sopranos
  • The interview came as state-run TV reported that Russian soldiers near Ukraine are standing down and returning to their bases


Russia conducts test-launch of ballistic missile


Rand Paul: Do We Continue to Arm the Enemies of Israel and the U.S. in Syria?


Obama seizes N.M. land for national monument in Bundy-like showdown

Bundy types of protests feared in New Mexico


WE are the govt

US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: The federal government can prevent American farmers from participating in the free market


Political Correctness IS A Form Of Hate!




Freedom of Speech is Not a One-Way Street


Freedom of Speech is Not a One-Way StreetRead the rest of this PolitiChicks.tv article here: http://politichicks.tv/column/private-words-made-public-profit-gain/#kgTtLtvBVqePxLd2.99

‘Impeach Obama’ movement gains speed with new book on ‘lawlessness’


But first we have to TAKE THE SENATE !!!

The House impeaches, but the Senate is the “jury”. We can never succeed with the Harry Reid/Dummycrat-controlled Senate. We MUST have a majority in the Senate or it’s a complete waste of time, effort, and money !!!

Impeach Obama Overpass

Harry Reid Hints at More Changes to Senate Rules that Republicans Won’t Like


Obama Belittles Benghazi, Obamacare Woes at High Dollar Fundraiser


White House ‘picking up the pace’ on executive actions


With 34 months left in his reign (maybe! I still think Obama might try to become “President for Life”), King Barrack is consolidating his dictatorial power !!!


Thomas Sowell: Kangaroo Courts


CNN President: We Won’t Be ‘Shamed’ Into Covering Benghazi


Hillery help benghazi

After Hearing State Trooper’s Comment to 18-Year-Old Woman, Even the County Prosecutor Said He ‘Became Sick to My Stomach’


What These Chicago Police Officers Were Caught on Camera Doing and Saying to a 110-pound Woman Has Them Facing a Lawsuit


‘They Brandished Shields’ and Pointed Rifles ‘Directly at Innocent Citizens’ — and That Was Just the Start: Lawsuit Details Shock Case of Alleged Fourth Amendment Violation


Welcome to Obama’s American Police State !!!

Obamas America Gestapo Tactics

Republicans Predicted This New Obamacare Failure… and Sure Enough It Came True


Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records


10,996,447: Disability Beneficiaries Hit New Record


Richard Aldrich: We will soon have to live in a world with no such thing as privacy and no such thing as secrecy


California DMV Lays Out Rules Governing Self-Driving Car Tests


Tax Reform Useless Without Spending Reform


‘A Land of Monsters’: Glenn Beck Fires Back at Those Attacking Liberty University for Inviting Him to Speak


Who Owns Our Kids Anyway?


Middle School Cancels Honors Night Because It’s Too “Exclusive”…


Common Core Progressive Propaganda

New Technology Could Allow Government To ‘Turn Off’ Your Gun


“Keep your hands off our guns, dammit.” – Sheriff David Clarke Jr.

Guns 2 enemies


“A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed
employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free
food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law
enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does,
indeed, exist: It’s called prison.”
–  Sheriff Joe Arpaio



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.20.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Okay Kentuckians, today is the day – go to the polls and VOTE FOR MATT BEVIN FOR U.S. SENATE !!!!!!!!!!!

Bevin for Senate


This will still be here when you get back – GO VOTE !!!

Matt Bevin poster 1

Israeli defense official: Iran can break out to nuclear weapons ‘very quickly’


“Lead me, follow me, or get out of the way!” – General George S. Patton

US missile cruiser to enter Black Sea amid NATO drills in Eastern Europe – military source


U.S. moves more forces closer to Libya as unrest grows


China Furious with Espionage Charges, Bans Cooperation with U.S. on Cyber security


Michelle Obama tells students to monitor family members for ‘racial insensitivity’


For the “History Challenged” among us:

This was one of the main duties of the HITLER YOUTH in Nazi Germany, report any and all things their parents said or did that was not in line with the teachings of the Nazi Party.

Have you noticed that these days if you say or do something that is “Politically Incorrect”, that is, in violation of the “Teachings of the Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party”, you will be persecuted until you quit or are fired from your job, probably never to work again? Well, it looks like the First Lady really is organizing the Obama Youth !!!

HEIL OBAMA !   (Or is that To Hell with Obama?)


Cartoon 016

5 ‘Inappropriate’ Arguments Hillary Used on Opponents


If the Dummycrats insist on castigating others for “Politically Incorrect” statements, shouldn’t we give them a dose of their own medicine? Why is it okay for THEM to violate OUR right of FREE SPEECH, while expecting US to allow THEM to SAY ANYTHING THEY WANT – WITHOUT QUESTION ???

Valerie Jarrett tells graduates she looks into everything someone does online before hiring


“And it came to pass that all high school and college students regretted their postings to Facebook, Twitter, My Space, and Flicker.” If that’s not written in Scripture, IT SHOULD BE !

Judicial Watch Has Reportedly Obtained a Secret Report on Early Obamacare Enrollments


Tense: ABC Reporter Takes on Jay Carney Over ‘Accountability’ in Growing VA Scandal


He KNEW! Obama told of Veterans Affairs health care debacle as far back as 2008


“All over the world revolutions come and go. Presidents rise and fall. They ALL steal your chickens! The only thing to change is the name of the man who steals them.” – Mexican Farmer 1916

Whistleblower retaliation in the VA scandal


do as we say or else

You Must Make This Clear to People: This Veterans Hospital Death Panel Is a Preview of Life Under Obamacare


Rush Limbaugh Outlines His Theory on the ‘Origin’ of the Video First Blamed for Benghazi Attack


Obama on Benghazi: ‘It’s Not Serious’


As much as I disagree with the policies of F.D.R., at least he didn’t say, Pearl Harbor was “not serious” !!!

Trey Gowdy Shames the Media with Unasked Benghazi Questions


Judicial Watch’s IRS Investigation Leads Directly to Washington

Judicial Watch recently uncovered stunning new documents detailing the extent to which the Obama IRS improperly targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status.


 John Boehner’s big immigration (AMNESTY!) decision


“Enforcing immigration law is not smart.” – Barrack Hussein Obama

Luis Gutierrez: ‘Every Institution in America’ Should Work Around Federal Immigration Laws


U.S. Air Base Provides Comfort and Benefits for 1,000 Illegal Immigrants in Texas

“Being an illegal alien is not a right to citizenship. When Vice President Biden says these kinds of things, that is just an invitation for foreign nationals to come up here. It’s time for the U.S to get serious about immigration. We can start by taking away their incentives to be here. All benefits: medical, food stamps, public housing, education, everything.”


I’ve been saying that for YEARS !!!

Make it a FELONY to HIRE, RENT TO, FEED, OR PROVIDE MEDICAL CARE TO ILLEGAL ALIENS! If they become injured, stabilize them and DEPORT THEM.

The others will leave on their own when they can’t get work, food or shelter !!!

House GOP bill would roll back school lunch rules


Michelle fuehrer food nazis

Gun Retailers Are Accusing the Obama Admin. of Using ‘Covert’ Tactic to ‘Combat the Second Amendment’


“Keep your hands off our guns, dammit.” – Sheriff David Clarke Jr.

Gun Control People

Obama VA Scandal: Racehorse California Chrome Gets Faster Health Care Ruling Than Our Veterans Left to Die


The Part of the Obama Administration That’s Supposed to Help U.S. Workers Is Calling for More Foreign Labor


Why Sucks

Two Americas

In early January 2014, Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Obama’s “income inequality speech”:

“The Democrats are right, there are two Americas .  The America that works, and the America that doesn’t.  The America that contributes, and the America that doesn’t.

 It’s not the haves and the have not’s, it’s the dos and the don’ts.

Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don’t.  That’s the divide in America .

It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility.

 It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office.  It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country.  That’s not invective, that’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it.

 The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting “income inequality.”   He noted that some people make more than other people;  that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that’s not just.

 That is the rationale of thievery.  The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you.  Vote Democrat. 

 That is the philosophy that produced Detroit .   It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America .  It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.

 The Democrats have not empowered their followers, they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victim-hood and anger instead of ability and hope. 

 The president’s premise – that you reduce income inequality by debasing the successful – seeks to deny the successful the consequences of their choices and spare the unsuccessful the consequences of their choices.

 By and large, income variations in society are a result of different choices leading to different consequences.   Those who choose wisely and responsibility have a far greater likelihood of success, while those who choose foolishly and irresponsibly have a far greater likelihood of failure.   Success and failure usually manifest themselves in personal and family income.

 You choose to drop out of high school or to skip college – and you are apt to have a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with purposeful education and/or employment.

 You have your children out of wedlock and life is apt to take one course;  you have them within a marriage and life is apt to take another course.

 Most often in life our destination is determined by the course we take.

 My doctor, for example, makes far more than I do.  There is significant income inequality between us.  Our lives have had an inequality of outcome, but, our lives also have had an inequality of effort.   While my doctor went to college and then devoted his young adulthood to medical school and residency, I got a job in a restaurant.  He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes.  His outcome pays a lot better than mine.

 Does that mean he cheated and Barack Obama needs to take away his wealth?  No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes. 

 It is not inequality Barack Obama intends to take away; it is freedom; the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. There is no true option for success if there is no true option for failure.

 The pursuit of happiness means a whole lot less when you face the punitive hand of government if your pursuit brings you more happiness than the other guy.

Even if the other guy sat on his arse and did nothing.  Even if the other guy made a lifetime’s worth of asinine and shortsighted decisions.

 Barack Obama and the Democrats preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort.

The simple Law of the Harvest – as ye sow, so shall ye reap – is sometimes applied as, “The harder you work, the more you get.” 

 Obama would turn that upside down. Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society.

 Entitlement will replace effort as the key to upward mobility in American society if Barack Obama gets his way.   He seeks a lowest common denominator society in which the government besieges the successful and productive to foster equality through mediocrity.

 He and his party speak of two Americas , and their grip on power is based on using the votes of one to sap the productivity of the other.   America is not divided by the differences in our outcomes; it is divided by the differences in our efforts.   It is a false philosophy to say one man’s success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man’s victimization.

 What Obama offered was not a solution, but separatism.  He fomented division and strife, pitted one set of Americans against another for his own political benefit. 

 That’s what socialists offer.  Marxist class warfare wrapped up with a bow.

Two Americas, coming closer each day to proving the truth to Lincoln ’s maxim that a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Cars could drive themselves sooner than expected after European push


This could get interesting. If a driverless car violates a traffic law, to whom does the cop give a ticket? Does he send it to the manufacturer of the car? The passengers weren’t driving so they can’t be ticketed. Sounds like fun !!!


“The Constitution is not the problem. It is emphatically the answer!” – Shane F. Krauser, Director, American Academy for Constitutional Education



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.19.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

A History Lesson: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going


 Dick Cheney: Obama Has “Demonstrated Repeatedly” That He Can Be Pushed Around


But he is so afraid that the U.S. Military may “push him around” that – (read the next story) . . .

Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans


Obama HATES the U.S. Military, our most patriotic Americans. I believe that Obama fears that the Military will turn against him, seize control from him,  and return our country to it’s Constitutional Government !!!

Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans
Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/05/police-now-armed-war-returning-veterans/#iyBcrsP2LTaLSZ9i.99

The Republican Push for Answers That Dianne Feinstein Calls a ‘Hunting Mission for a Lynch Mob’


In the immortal words of LAPD Sergeant Joe Friday,”All we want are the facts, Mam, just the facts.”

Almost 75 Percent Dissatisfied with America’s Direction


The other 25% is probably the Obama Administration !!!

The Lyin’ King’s Latest Scandal? Mismanaging the Veterans’  Administration



By:  Marilyn Assenheim

The liberal political and media spin machine has been severely tested of late. Benghazi, Obamacare and an economy not only circling the drain but past the elbow joint of the nation’s porcelain throne; just how much dung can loyal spin-merchants be expected to transform into sanitized manna? The answer, of course, is “all of it.” But even the regime’s most devoted cheerleaders are finding the growing number of scandals, gyrating like a circus performer’s precariously wobbling plates, difficult to manage of late. Now VA mismanagement has joined their number.

Reports of “treatment” veterans receive or never receive at all at the VA have been common knowledge for decades. So well-known are the abuses that a movie was made about it in 1992, Article 99. On Friday the Financial Times released an article about the current scandal. In an obligatory-if-gratuitous stab at negating previous administration failures, they began with the following declaration: “Amid contrived outrage over Benghazi and the improving fortunes of its healthcare reform, the Obama administration could be facing a genuine scandal about its treatment of military veterans that has the potential to attract broad political condemnation of its competence.” Contrived outrage? Improving fortunes? Despite continuous, public fury at obvious failures and lies? Nevertheless, the Financial Times acknowledged that VA mud might soil The Lyin’ King’s administration.

The Financial Times opined that: “The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is facing mounting evidence that some of the hospitals it runs have been keeping two sets of books to make it look as if they were reducing waiting times to see a doctor. More damning, the department is investigating the claims of a whistleblower doctor in Arizona that dozens of patients at one hospital died while they were languishing on a hidden waiting list without ever being given an appointment…as many as 40 patients had died…while officials at the hospital shredded documents and faked evidence to make it seem as if waiting times were under control.” Jay Carney, front man for the regime, pooh-poohed the notion of malfeasance but finally admitted that there might be a “wafer thin” problem. The Washington Examiner quoted Carney on Saturday: “President Obama’s spokesman maintained to reporters that there was ‘just a suggestion’ of a scandal at theVeterans AffairsDepartment…You’re saying there’s a suggestion that something terrible happened in Phoenix, and that’s under investigation; all we know is it’s a suggestion…We should just accept allegations as true without investigating them?’” An argument that never seems to occur to the administration and their apologists when accusing others in order to advance their agendas. The Washington Examiner concluded: “– and then, minutes later, a VA official who testified before Congress on Thursday about employees cooking the books resigned.” Convenient, to say the least.

No time had been lost in securing a scapegoat. Veterans Affairs Undersecretary, Robert Petzel, resigned when the merde hit the fan. This was supposed to get top man, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, off the hook. Shinseki, a former general, became the darling of the uber-liberal left after his contrived disavowal of the Iraq war and overstatement, by hundreds of thousands, troop estimates necessary to succeed in Iraq. Shinseki, described by Politico as “fighting for his political life,” followed The Lyin’ King’s example, deploying the Sgt. Schulz defense during Thursday’s hearings; he knew nothing about rampant abuse in the VA under his command but was only too happy to accept Petzel’s resignation. The only problem with Petzel’s selection as fall-guy was that he was already scheduled to retire in 2014.

According to the Washington Examiner: “The White House announced on May 1 that it intended to nominate Jeffrey Murawsky, director of the VA’s Illinois-based Great Lakes Health Care System, as the new under secretary for health.” In fact, the announcement of Petzel’s retirement was made by the VA last year.

The Financial Times floated an interesting assumption: “If the evidence of mismanagement continues to accumulate, the Obama administration will find itself not in another partisan knife-fight, but under fire from both parties in a Congress where the uniformed military is venerated.” This supposition is a mystery.If one is to judge by actions rather than words, it doesn’t really appear as if any Americans are “venerated” by a majority of the ruling class.This administration has, thus far, avoided any taint despite the virtual and factual destruction of countless American and foreign lives (e.g. reducing Veteran’s benefits, reducing Americans’ incomes and standard of living, escalating hostilities in Afghanistan by unilateral presidential fiat). Much of America’s decline has required acquiescence, either tacit or active, from both parties.

The horror that is the emerging Veterans Administration scandal may be just another brick added to the pile for a prison that will never, to all appearances, be built.

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Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/05/lyin-kings-latest-scandal-mismanaging-va-administration/#SmCVKsE8CjSWC7Fu.99

Triple-Amputee Iraq Veteran’s Struggle with VA Bureaucracy Heads into 8th Month


Surprise: VA Official Who ‘Resigned’ Over Death Scandal Was Already Set to Retire


Why is this a “surprise”?  It’s Obama “transparency” !!!

Obama Sign 8

Resource Strategist Warns of New Russian Threat: “It Would Be the Greatest Blackout in American History”

If the Russians wanted they could pull the rug out from under the American energy matrix and 20%, one out of every five homes in America, would be in blackout.


Resource Strategist Warns of New Russian Threat: “It Would Be the Greatest Blackout in American History” – See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/resource-strategist-warns-of-new-russian-threat-it-would-be-the-greatest-blackout-in-american-history_052014#sthash.pLkZOZVB.dpuf

Michelle Obama Cites View of Growing Segregation


Well, let’s see:

1.  Southern slave owners were DEMOCRATS !

2. Republicans proposed and passed the Civil Rights Act – Democrats tried to BLOCK IT !

3. The Democrats are the ones who are always separating people into groups – Blacks, Whites, Women, Men, Rich, Poor, etc etc. etc., ad nauseam, ad infinitum.


Michelle fuehrer food nazis

These are the facts about Senator McConnell:

  • Mitch McConnell voted for AMNESTY in 1986 [RC #335, 10/17/86] and again in 2006 [RC #157, 05/25/06].  

If Mitch McConnell is re-elected, he will not fight to repeal Obamacare. He will be a solid vote for amnesty. He will continue to be the big spending career politician that he has been for the past 30 years.

Senator McConnell’s votes and numbers are facts and thats not working for the American people or the people of Kentucky.  The items listed above are documented and clickable, so you can see for yourself.

Do you want a Senator that works for you?

If so, we are less than 48 hours away from election day and my campaign team is working furiously around the clock to let people know I will work for the people of Kentucky…not Wall Street and not special interests from K Street. 

What could Senator McConnell possibly do in the next 6 years that he has not already had the chance to do in the past 30 years?

In 1984, when Mitch McConnell was elected, our national debt was approx. $1.5 trillion. Today our national debt is over $17.5 trillion.

Mitch McConnell has become exactly what he was against in 1984. Watch and see yourself.

Bevin Senate 2014

Republicans Defend Questioning Hillary Clinton’s Health

Former Vice President Dick Cheney: “Any presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate is going to have to answer questions about their health.”


Obamacare’s penalties on hospital readmissions will kill off the sick and elderly


Just as planned – the proponents of Obamacare are followers of the Eugenics movement, determined to wipe out all human beings deemed “unfit.”

determined to wipe away all human beings deemed “unfit,” – See more at: http://hnn.us/article/1796#sthash.zAu0Bz3n.dpuf
Obamacare’s penalties on hospital readmissions will kill off the sick and elderlyRead the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/05/obamacares-penalties-hospital-readmissions-will-kill-sick-elderly/#w7zyCQtmDoaqqhpr.99

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: Obamacare Can and Should Still Be Repealed


Scientists Rebut White House Global Warming Claims



Poll Finds Wide Support for Voter ID Laws


It’s Time to Audit the Federal Reserve

For years, conservatives have demanded an audit of the Federal Reserve. During the financial crisis, the Fed loaned out billions of dollars to corporations and foreign banks. We still don’t know how all that money was spent.

Senator Rand Paul has introduced legislation to finally open the books at the Fed. He is even threatening to put a hold on three nominees for the Fed’s Board of Governors until he gets a vote on his bill.

Harry Reid refuses to allow a vote on auditing the Federal Reserve. He wants the Fed to keep bailing out special interests.

The American people deserve transparency. They deserve to know how our central bank is using our money.

Audit the FED

Gas prices shouldn’t be high, but are: What gives?


What gives is King Obama is actually fulfilling his campaign promise. Remember, Under his plan, fuel prices would “NECESSARILY SKYROCKET” !!!   Well, they’re doing it !!!

Remove Obama’s Power to Control Immigration Policy, says House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte


Remove Obama’s Power to Control Immigration Policy, says House Judiciary Chairman
Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/05/remove-obamas-power-control-immigration-policy-says-house-judiciary-chairman/#3FXX5flgPql2PRDW.99

How Liberalism Violates All 10 Commandments


Young People Will Reject Liberalism’s Lies



US Official: China Cited in Cyber-espionage Case


Never Forgetting a Face


German official mulls breaking up Google

A senior German official has warned that Google may have such a dominant market position that a breakup of the company “must be seriously considered.”


It’s Time to Trust the Constitution


DRAGNET – The Lost Episode (a parody)


Obama Shadow - 3 More Years of Tyranny

A Message From Matt Bevin:

My friends,

This is critical.  We have an election tomorrow and it is a game changer.  This is one of the most critical elections we have ever had.

I believe it is time for the true conservatives to take charge.  The ways of the past 30 years are not working.

If you agree and want to get back on the path to prosperity, I need your support.

I promise I will never give Barack Obama a blank check.  I will never vote for amnesty.  I will not stop working until Obamacare is completely repealed and we have free market based healthcare. I will work every single day to get big government out of your life.

My pledge to you is to serve 2 terms.  I pledge that every year I am your Senator, I will hold one live town hall per congressional district.  My door will always be open for my constituents.

I promise to work for you and the people of Kentucky!

Matt Bevin

Matt Bevin Tea Party Patriots

A Grassroots Victory in Nebraska

We did it! Ben Sasse clinched the Republican nomination for Senate in Nebraska. He received 49% of the vote, while his closest opponent only got 22%.

This is a huge victory, and a testament to the power of grassroots activism. When Ben entered the race, he was polling at just 3%. But that didn’t stop him. Ben was determined to get his message out there: that our government is out of control and it’s time to put the brakes on the Obama Agenda.  

With your generous support, FreedomWorks for America started an online campaign, and reached hundreds of thousands of conservative voters through targeted ads, videos, and social advertising. We called tens of thousands of likely voters and urged them to support Sasse.

All the work paid off, and Ben won!

Ben Sasse will stand on principle, and won’t back down to party leaders. I fully believe we are going to send another freedom fighter to Washington to stand with Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul. We couldn’t have done it without you. Now let’s go win a few more and take back the Senate!


Bevin for Senate

“The finest work of man is to build the character of man.” – Knute Rockne


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“Government is, at every level, an insatiable beast. It has neither brain nor conscience, only a perpetually ravenous appetite. If we allow it, when it has eaten all we can give it, it will eat us too.” -Thomas Madison

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.18.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Here’s What Jay Carney told TheBlaze About the Newly Released IRS E-Mails


In the immortal words of that great WW-2 philosopher, Sergeant Schultz, “I KNOW NOTH-THING, NOTHING” !!!

Obama I am NOT a CROOK

Veterans scandal risks engulfing Obama


Hillary, Kerry Broke Law That Could Have Prevented Criminal Immigrant Releases


Congressman Andy Barr (R KY): Holding the IRS Accountable‏

Knowing of your interest in the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) alleged systematic targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, I wanted to send you an update regarding  the subsequent congressional actions taken to hold IRS officials accountable.  I hope you find this update informative. 

In February 2012, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform began investigating allegations that the IRS systematically targeted and unfairly scrutinized conservative groups and organizations seeking 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status.  As you may know, Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code permits incorporation of organizations that meet certain criteria and focus on advancing “social welfare” goals.  Organizations granted 501(c)(4) status are not subject to federal income tax.  However, documents leaked from the IRS indicate that senior IRS officials, and specifically Director of IRS Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner, were actively discriminating against applications from conservative organizations by obstructing and or delaying the 501(c)(4) approval of these groups.

I believe the American people deserve fair and equal treatment from their government regardless of their political views.  The IRS failed to live up to this standard when it targeted these groups based on their names and ideology.  In response to these revelations, committees of the U.S. House of Representatives have painstakingly gathered information about the IRS’s targeting.  Committee investigators have interviewed dozens of IRS and Treasury Department employees, analyzed hundreds of thousands of documents, issued two reports, and held multiple hearings on the scandal.  While we know a lot about the IRS’s misconduct, key questions remain unanswered.

For these reasons, on May 9, 2014, I voted in favor of holding Ms. Lerner in contempt of Congress for her refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  Ms. Lerner’s testimony remains critical to the Committee’s investigation and I believe her cooperation is an important step toward moving this forward and restoring the American people’s confidence in the IRS.  Our citizens must be reassured that government officials are held accountable when they abuse their power and betray public trust by depriving Americans of their Constitutional right to participate in our democracy, regardless of their political beliefs.  Please know that I will continue to monitor the ongoing investigation in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. 

I hope you will never hesitate to contact my office if we can ever be of assistance.  For example, if you are facing a challenge working with a federal agency or would like to get together with me or my staff, please be in touch with my office in Lexington or visit us during the regular office hours we hold in your county.  A list of my office hours can be found on my website at www.barr.house.gov.

If you plan to visit our nation’s capital, my office can be of assistance scheduling tours of the Capitol building and other historic landmarks.  You can find out more about other services my office provides on my website as well.

Finally, if you would like to stay informed on what is happening in Washington, DC and around the Sixth Congressional District, I encourage you to sign up to receive my e-newsletter by visiting https://barr.house.gov/ENews.

Matt Bevin: There is a “hunger for change” in Kentucky


Matt Bevin’s Response to the Glenn Beck Interview (above)

Did you hear me on the radio with Glenn Beck this morning?  He understands the importance of this race for our country.  He called it “game changing” and I agree with him! 

I couldn’t believe it when Glenn said, “Matt Bevin is the closest thing to a founder I’ve ever met in a candidate, with the possible exception of Mike Lee.” 

Wow!  I was moved to hear him make such a comparison.  What an inspirational thing for Glenn to say.  I am humbled to be put in the same category with someone as principled as Senator Mike Lee, but to be compared to our Founding Fathers… was quite simply overwhelming.  

I am honored that Glenn thinks that way about me, but it’s not just me. It’s the patriots, like you and me, across this land rising up and taking a stand for what we believe in.  We are at a pivotal time in our nation’s history and I am compelled to do all I can to restore this nation to greatness.

Matt Bevin

Bevin for Senate

Missouri Lawmakers Pass Bill to Arm Teachers, Lowers Carry Age from 21 to 19


 Harry Reid Displays Appalling Contempt for the First Amendment


Freedom of Speech?

We don’t need no stinkin’ Freedom of Speech !!!

FCC Moves Forward With ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules


Another assault on our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS !!!

The Clever Way a Web Guru Is Protesting Net Neutrality


net neutrality censorship

MORE Layoffs Due to ObamaCare


Thanks to Obamacare, Your Tax Dollars Are Rewarding Failure

Not one person during the 2014 enrollment period was registered successfully online via Oregon’s exchange. That’s right, Cover Oregon, at $305 million the third-most-expensive state-based exchange in the country, couldn’t figure out how to register one person via its website.


What you don’t know about the American Spring movement


What Rand Paul Is Really Saying About Voter ID

“There was a time in our history when the vote was suppressed. Actually, it was mostly by Democrats back then. But for some reason, [many Americans] think Republicans are a part of this historical suppression of the African-American vote. They think this is just another ploy. So that is the perception. I don’t think that is the truth at all. But because it is perceived that way, we need to be aware of people’s feelings.”


Allen West: I’m Considering Running for President


Ben Carson Said He’d Run for President if He ‘Felt Called by God’ — Well, Guess What


I think either Alan West and Ben Carson would make an EXCELLENT President!  They are definitely on my “short-list” to support after Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

But I still can’t decide between Ted and Rand.

ted or rand 2016

Bill O’Reilly on America’s Race Problem – LISTEN TO THIS !!!


I first became aware of the ratio of Blacks to Whites committing crimes in the late 1960s. I was a darkroom technician at a commercial photo lab owned by a deputy sheriff. The owner had the contract to develop and print all of the “mug shots” for a large county sheriff’s department. This was my job the first thing every morning. I was totally amazed by the number of crimes committed by Blacks as opposed to Whites !!!

I understand that not all people initially arrested and photographed are guilty – but even if HALF are innocent, the ratio is STILL THE SAME !!!


Government Opening Free Gas Stations in Poor Neighborhoods

In the words of Nancy Pelosi – “We have to pass it to find out what is in it”.
Look what’s in it.

As the battle over Obama care rages in Washington, the White House is quietly using a little known provision of the law to roll out a nationwide network of free gas stations for minorities and the poor. According to a report in The Detroit News this morning, the administration is using its authority under the Affordable Care Act to “improve transportation routes to hospitals” to dispense gasoline free of cost in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
The $2 billion-a-year program aims to distribute40 million gallons of free gasoline each year through 70 new gas stations constructed in major metropolitan areas. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) will be responsible for operating the network, whose first station opened yesterday in Detroit.
“It’s not something we’re publicizing very much, for obvious reasons,” explains Dori Salcido, assistant DHS secretary for public affairs. “But under the law we are well within our rights to offer this service, and we think it’s good public policy.
“How are people supposed to get to the doctor’s office if they don’t have gas in their cars? Health insurance is worthless if you can’t make your appointment. This is just another fine example of government stepping in and solving big problems.”
No Gas for You
Although some developing oil-rich nations like Venezuela and Indonesia subsidize gasoline for the poor, the practice has never before been tried in the United States. The plans are proving controversial with some taxpayers who are loathe to see their money go to subsidize others.
“So basically I’m being punished for not living in the ghetto,” says Colin Blair, a white person from the affluent Detroit
suburb of Farmington Hills. “I have three kids and a mortgage. Life isn’t cheap for me either. I could use some free gasoline too.”
An investigation into the station’s operations, however, reveals that Blair is unlikely to be able to use the service.� Supposedly access to the station is determined by income,” says Ebony Jackson, manager of the first Obama station. “But it’s pretty unrealistic to do an income check on each and every driver. So what we do is basically let all the black people pump for free, and charge all the white people the market rate.”
The Obama stations scandal was uncovered by Nolan Finley, a conservative Detroit News columnist widely lauded for his groundbreaking expose’ on Obama phones. Finley says the blatant racial bias in the program is only one of its many outrageous aspects. “The stations have Obama campaign logo on them and giant photos of the president,” he explains.”He’s trying to buy votes ahead of the midterm elections. This is something you normally only see in third world countries. I’ve never been more scared for our democracy.”


Ukraine crisis in space: US takes on the Russians, only this time it’s over the International Space Station


Are you surprised? What did you think would happen when Obama changed NASA’s priorities from space exploration to MAKING MUSLIMS FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES ??? !!!

Sen. Rand Paul Opposes the Nomination of David Barron

President Obama has nominated David Barron, a Harvard law professor and former acting assistant attorney general, to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

While he was an official in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, Mr. Barron wrote at least two legal memos justifying the execution of American citizens abroad without a trial.

On April 30, I wrote to the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, urging him to delay this nomination, pending a court-ordered disclosure of the first memo I knew about. Since that letter, I have learned more. The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter to all senators on May 6, noting that in the view of the Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman, Dianne Feinstein, “there are at least eleven OLC opinions on the targeted killing or drone program.” It has not been established whether Mr. Barron wrote all those memos, but we do know that his controversial classified opinions provided the President with a legal argument and justification to target an American citizen for execution without a trial by jury or due process.

Since then, I’ve read David Barron’s memos concerning the legal justification for killing an American citizen overseas without a trial or legal representation, and I am not satisfied. 

While the President forbids me from discussing what is in the memos, I can tell you what is not in the memos.

There is no valid legal precedent to justify the killing of an American citizen not engaged in combat. In fact, one can surmise as much because the legal question at hand has never been adjudicated. Therefore, I shall not only oppose the nomination of David Barron, but will filibuster.

Click HERE to read my statement in its entirety.

Click HERE to read my op-ed for the New York Times explaining my opposition to Barron’s nomination.

Senator Rand Paul Plans to Object to Federal Reserve Nominations

On Monday, I issued the following letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announcing my intent to object to the pending nominations to the Federal Reserve System unless S. 209, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, is also considered.
The American people have a right to know what this institution is doing with the nation’s money supply. The Federal Reserve does not need prolonged secrecy-it needs to be audited, and my bipartisan Federal Reserve Transparency Act will do just that.

The text of that letter can be found HERE. My entire statement can be found HERE.

When You Hear Where a Student Suspended for a BB Gun in His Car Had It Parked, You Might Scratch Your Head


Suspending a student for having a BB gun in his car OFF OF SCHOOL PROPERTY ???   What’s next? Suspending students for picking their noses in their own bedrooms ???  !!!


Sign in Indiana storefront


This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, Indiana.
You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty; and after all, it is just a sign.

You may ask, what kind of business would dare post such a sign?

Answer: Owen’s Funeral Home 

( You gotta love it !!! )


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.16.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Glenn Beck’s Emotional Message to Viewers: ‘Together, I Believe We Will Change the World’


‘Dang If I Know’: Susan Rice, Bill Clinton Dismiss Benghazi Investigation


Darrell Issa Subpoenas John Kerry Again, Accuses the State Department of ‘Slippery’ Tactics


Fast and Furious: Judge Says Obama’s Executive Privilege Over Documents is Valid


Guns Eric Holder

New IRS Revelations – and What the Obama Administration Is Doing Behind the Scenes


GOP Proposes a Way to Clean Up the IRS After the Targeting Scandal


Jake Tapper Grills White House Chief of Staff Over VA Scandal: ‘How Many Dead Veterans Do You Need?’

“[H]ow on earth can the president have full confidence in him? People died.”


Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki on Whether Wait List Manipulators Should Be Fired: Uh, I’m Not Sure


Well DUH, Mr. Shinseki,


GOP Demands Obama Apology for the Latest Administration Scandal


Hagel says US won’t let Iran build nuclear weapon


Chuck Hagel is a member of the Obama Administration.

The Obama Administration LIES whenever possible.

Consequently, I’LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT !!!


Larry Forgy on the Kentucky Senate Race – McConnell or Bevin?

My name is Larry Forgy and I am a lifelong Kentuckian. I have been involved in Kentucky’s Republican Party for decades. I ran for Governor of Kentucky on the Republican ticket in 1995, and I served as the Kentucky Chairman for both of Ronald Reagan’s successful presidential elections. 

 I used to be a proud supporter of Senator Mitch McConnell. However, in recent years, I have become disappointed in the senator’s voting record. His current record is in stark contrast to the constitutional principles upon which he was elected, and for which I originally supported him. 

 That’s why, in the upcoming primary on May 20th, I am supporting Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate, and I am writing to urge you to support him also. 

It is time to retire Mitch McConnell.  

I can no longer be silent. I must enlighten the people of Kentucky to Senator McConnell’s unconstitutional voting record. Here are some votes which show just how far off track Senator McConnell has gone:  

GUN CONTROL: Senator McConnell says one thing on the Second Amendment in Kentucky, and does something completely different in Washington. He voted for the 1991 Crime Bill (S. 1241) sponsored by Senator Joe Biden. This bill included a national waiting period for handgun purchases as well as a ban on semi-automatic firearms. In 1998, McConnell voted for Senator Barbara Boxerʼs Trigger Lock Amendment which required the purchase of a trigger lock with the sale of each handgun.  

BAILOUTS: There are few bigger champions of the bailout than Mitch McConnell. McConnell joined Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in voting for the so-called “Troubled Asset Relief Program” on October 1, 2008. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (R-KY) voted “Nay” on the same bill. McConnell was a champion of the TARP legislation, and referred to the passage of this massive taxpayer waste as “the Senate at its finest.”  

OBAMACARE: Senator McConnell likes to say he opposes Obamacare, but actions speak louder than words. He voted for cloture, effectively funding Obamacare on March 13th, 2013, and pressured other Republican senators to do the same. Because of Senator McConnell’s “leadership”, twenty Republicans voted for this bill. Senator Rand Paul voted “Nay” to this funding. Furthermore, McConnell worked to undermine efforts to defund Obamacare, cutting off Ted Cruz at the knees. He voted against Senators Cruz, Lee, Paul and others as they endeavored to protect the American people from this offensive legislation. Even worse – McConnell has received massive campaign contributions from United Healthcare, the lobby group that employs his former Chief of Staff, and advocates for Obamacare’s implementation.  

EDUCATION: On June 14th, 2001, McConnell voted “Yea” for “No Child Left Behind”. This law demoralizes our teachers and our students. Our young people are taught memorization and mindless obedience instead of critical thinking and open-mindedness. Our teachers are reprimanded for teaching “outside the box”, and tailoring their assignments to meet the needs of the individuals in their classes.  

Matt Bevin has proven that he can deliver what “We the People” need to insure our children’s future. He is a husband and father of nine children. He has proven himself as a successful and ethical businessman, a military officer, and a leader in his community.  

His actions, not just his words, prove that he would be a good investment for the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I ask you to join me in supporting Matt Bevin, the true conservative in this race for the Republican nomination. He can and will deliver.  

Warm Regards,  Larry Forgy

Bevin for Senate

Why is President Obama being called ‘the face of global white privilege’?


Disturbing Video Shows 8-Year-Old Students Parroting Lines About ‘White Privilege’


PARENTS: In case you haven’t figured it out on your own –


Common Core Govt Control

Conservatives seek to regain control of Republican agenda


Why Do Young People Support Hillary Clinton? Rush Limbaugh Has a Theory That They Are Bound to Take Issue With


David Tran, Sriracha CEO: The US Is Starting to Feel Like Communist Vietnam


You Can’t Make This Up: Jill Abramson Fired by Sexists at the New York Times


States Begin to Face Overwhelming Obamacare Reality


Senators Praise Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Question Obamacare at Confirmation Hearing


The Big Immigration Problem No One’s Talking About


“Enforcing immigration law is not smart.” – Barrack Hussein Obama

GOP’s new immigration weapon


Military Expert Warns Amnesty Push Politicizes U.S. National Security


Valerie Jarrett: ‘We Have a Commitment’ from Boehner on Amnesty This Year

President Barack Obama’s top adviser and confidant told a group of global elites on Thursday in Las Vegas, Nevada that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has made a commitment to the White House to try to pass amnesty legislation this year.


Obama Makes It Clear That Amnesty Will Help Dummycrats


Obama eyes Executive Action to stop deportations


Will a Senate GOP Majority Support Amnesty?


Former Florida teacher working to expose the truth about the ‘evil’ education system



 Common Core Final Test

Video Shows Cop Standing Toe-to-Toe with Handcuffed Middle Schooler Outside School Bus — What Happens Next Is More Than a Little Alarming


I have always been a very strong supporter of law enforcement, but cops like this are giving the vast majority of good, well meaning police officers a bad name !!!

PLEASE, don’t think this is the norm – IT ISN’T !!!

Rand Paul struggles with hawkish GOP donors


ted or rand 2016


‘F****** Psycho’: Flurry of Tweets Target Sarah Palin After She Tweets How an AR-15 Makes a ‘Great Gift’


Just for the record: If anyone feels like giving me an AR-15 as a gift, I will very gratefully accept it.   Lock-n-Load !!!

He Put on a Bulletproof Vest and Asked a Friend to Shoot Him. She Missed Her Mark.


Jeff Cooper’s firearm safety rule #2: “Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy“!!!

13 Gun Owners Share Why They Carry a Firearm — Just Wait Until You Read Number Seven



“Keep your hands off our guns, dammit.” – Sheriff David Clarke Jr.



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.15.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Bevin Senate 2014

‘This gives me hope’: Ben Sasse wins Nebraska Senate primary in convincing fashion


Operation American Spring to hit D.C. to oust Obama, Biden, Boehner, Holder

“We are calling for [their] removal … as a start toward constitutional restoration,” said retired Army Col. Harry Riley, the leader of the group, Raw Story reported. “They have all abandoned the U.S. Constitution, are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status.”


Judicial Watch: New Documents Show IRS HQ Control of Tea Party Targeting


New Emails: Democratic Senator Carl Levin Pressured IRS To Target Groups


Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Could Be the Next to Face Contempt Proceedings in the House – botched Obamacare rollout


Obamacare more signups

 Voter ID is a Great Idea…Everywhere Else, Anyway

“The stark and simple truth is this — the right to vote is threatened today — in a way that it has not been since the Voting Rights Act became law nearly five decades ago . . . So let’s be clear — the real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments about voter fraud.”


As they say in Chicago, “Vote early and often!”

Harry Reid Wants to Amend the Constitution

Legislation for a constitutional amendment to give Congress the power to regulate spending levels in federal campaigns.


To limit the free speech of the voters, of course !!!

“The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.” ― Will Rogers

ICE Ordered to Stay Silent on Release of 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants


Republicans To Call DHS Secretary For Hearing On Release Of Criminal Aliens


Harry Reid Says GOP Investigations Accomplish ‘Nothing’



The Anti-Gun Tyranny of the ATF


One of the most painfully ironic things the Founders ever wrote that you’ve probably never read


“No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected without being truly respectable” – James Madison

The Buckley Rule: Vote for the Most Conservative, Viable Candidate


Matt Bevin Tea Party Patriots

Liberals Think Boko Haram Terrorists are Victims of Oppression by the Nigerian Government

The Regime and leftists around the world believe that militant Islam is not militant because it is militant.  It’s been made militant by the United States and our policies in the Middle East, the Christian government of Nigerian, basically governments oppressing these poor people mired in poverty, and they are reacting with violent outbursts.  That’s the justification, the explanation for militant Islam, jihad, and groups like Al-Qaeda.


Rush Limbaugh’s Explosive Claim About Radical Terrorist Group Boko Haram and the Obama ‘Regime’



I have said on several occasions that Obama may not personally be a Muslim, BUT HE IS VERY SYMPATHETIC toward them. HE HAS EVEN APPOINTED RADICAL MUSLIMS TO POSITIONS IN HIS ADMINISTRATION !!!

Court Says Controversial Anti-Islamic Extremism Group Won’t Be Granted a Trademark


That headline SHOULD read: “U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit says Conservative Americans have


Radical Islam rising America

University Professor Attacks Obama as the ‘Face of Global White Privilege’


Will Conservatives be Sent to Reeducation Camps?


watch list tyranny

Leaders Who Fail To Own Up To Mistakes Are Unfit for Office.

 Dr. Ben Carson | May 14, 2014.

The recent escalating arguments over whether there should be further congressional hearings on Benghazi are troubling. The fact that there are substantial numbers of people who feel that there is nothing more to investigate when four American lives were lost and no one has answered for this crime provides an indication of how far our sense of justice has slipped.

This should not be a partisan issue, because the implications of ignoring or prevaricating about the underlying mistakes will have far-reaching consequences. The United States has diplomatic establishments throughout the world, and if they can be attacked without consequences, it greatly diminishes our influence despite any protestations to the contrary.

What does it say about our judgment if we have diplomatic establishments for which we make inadequate provisions for protection? This is especially disturbing because it was revealed that requests by the consulate in Benghazi for more protection were refused. There had been attacks on the consulate not long before the fatal attack, and hostile actions had been taken against the British, which they were wise enough to react to appropriately.

Even more confounding was the decision to abandon our personnel at the consulate because someone decided that our military forces could not reach them in time to effect a rescue. How could such a decision be made when no one knew how long the hostile action would last? Several military personnel who were in the area ignored orders to stand down and instead rushed to the consulate with assault weapons and resisted hostile forces long enough to allow some of their colleagues to escape, while sacrificing their own lives. Their heroic actions demonstrate the bravery and loyalty that characterize American military forces. I feel certain that those men had no doubt in their minds that reinforcements were on the way, and that if they could just hold out long enough, their efforts would be rewarded.

When our top officials make decisions to abandon our own people because they feel the situation is hopeless, they also abandon the concept of American exceptionalism and create doubt in the minds of all future military participants about the intention of their superiors to expend maximum effort to preserve their lives when they have sacrificed everything for our nation.

Making mistakes is part of being human, but the ever-increasing deception that is necessary to cover those mistakes when honesty is abandoned is evil. Those willing to ignore evil for political reasons should question their fitness for leadership of our nation. In this case, a blatant falsehood was promoted — namely that the Obama administration had international terrorist activity directed at America under control, and that the Benghazi incident was a spontaneous action resulting from the outrage of locals who had viewed an offensive anti-Islamic video. Undue importance was placed on promoting an image of U.S. strength during the weeks immediately preceding the presidential election of 2012.

Again, I must emphasize that if we, the American people, the American press and the American political class, participate in the cover-up or ignore such an important story, we contribute to the demise of honesty and truth as pillars of our governing structure. In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon put it this way: “If a ruler listens to lies, those who serve him will be wicked.”

We also should be concerned about the attempt by some to ignore or downgrade the significance of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) scandal. The fact that something this contrary to the concept of freedom can happen in a country based on constitutional values and be characterized as a “phony scandal” by people who supposedly have the best interests of this country at heart again points to the danger of placing partisan politics above truth and honesty.

When politicians huddle and try to figure out ways to defend their leader or their party and ignore the well-being of their nation, the people must take notice and do everything within their power to make sure they are represented by those who share their beliefs, and not by those who are simply party loyalists.

Obviously, the IRS was used in inappropriate ways, or Lois Lerner would not have pleaded the Fifth Amendment. It is more than disturbing that the president of the United States and many in his party feigned outrage when the inappropriate actions of the IRS initially were exposed, but now cannot lend support to a full and unfettered investigation of activities that threaten the very liberty of the American people.

A bipartisan group should investigate both Benghazi and the IRS scandal in a transparent manner. If wrongdoing is discovered, those responsible must face consequences, and procedures must be established to ensure that such abuses never occur again.

Most importantly, the people must awaken and look objectively at the actions of both Democrats and Republicans and not simply accept what party leaders say. Freedom is not free, and vigilance in responsible voting is necessary to preserve it.

Former head of Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, Benjamin Solomon “Ben” Carson, Sr., is a columnist and retired neurosurgeon. He is credited with being the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head.

Obama I am NOT a CROOK

U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue: If You’re Not Doing Amnesty, Then Don’t Bother


Business Execs: Amnesty Legislation Will Be Last Act of Lame-Duck Session


Undocumented Democrats

‘If You Like Your State-Led Education You Can Keep Your…’


Watch Glenn Beck’s Takedown of Common Core on Fox News: ‘This Is About Control and Conform, Period’


Common Core Final Test

Texas Firm Tracking Your Car With License Plate Cameras


By the Time Armed Thug Saw Quick-Thinking Homeowner Crouching and Holding an AR-15, It Was Too Late


Guns warning shot 2


Bevin not McConnell May 20

“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power not longer susceptible of any definition.”Thomas Jefferson



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.14.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !


Tea party-backed Ben Sasse wins Nebraska primary for U.S. Senate


Augusta Chronicle Collection - November 09, 2009

Hero: Army Specialist Receives Medal of Honor


CONGRATULATIONS Specialist White !!!


Heroes wear dog tags

Cruz: Senate Should Be Part of Benghazi Investigation

But there is little chance that will happen. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, blocked Crux’s resolution, calling it a “political trick” and a “purely political witch-hunt without merit.” 


Former treasury secretary Timothy Geithner says White House told him to lie to the American people


Obama pants on fire

The White House’s Strategy for the Midterm Elections: Lies and Damned Lies



Eric Holder: No Plans at DOJ to Investigate Secret Waiting Lists and Veteran Deaths at VA Hospitals


Eric Holder’s Department of Justice to Monitor Nebraska GOP Primaries for Civil Rights Violations

What, they think Nebraska’s a Third World country?  So they don’t have time to investigate Benghazi. They don’t have time to investigate any IRS abuses against the Tea Party. They don’t have time to investigate Fast and Furious.  They dismiss cases against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in Philadelphia.  But they’ve got time for this?  “Civil rights violations.”   You can add the VA HOSPITAL DEATHS to that list, Rush !


That’s the Obama Administration and its Department of Injustice – a tool to CONTROL AMERICANS’ FREEDOMS !!!

Obamas America Gestapo Tactics

Lamar Smith Calls ICE Release of 36,000 Criminal Immigrants a President-Sanctioned Prison Break


What Difference Does It Make If Hillary Has Brain Damage?

If Hillary has brain damage, what difference does it make now?  What possible different does it make now how it happened, or even if she has brain damage.  If you’re gonna start going down this road with Mrs. Clinton, you’ve gotta go back a little farther than December of 2012.  I mean, you remember how Hillary couldn’t remember where she put the Rose Law Firm billing records.  She couldn’t remember how she got hold of those 900 FBI files that she and Bill had somewhere.  Her answer to most questions back then was that she couldn’t remember, and so forth. 


Boko Haram Benefited from State Department Inaction


The HOSTAGES thank you, Hillary.

Hillary witch hunt

The Regime and Boko Haram: What This Hashtag Business is Really All About

I’m a holdout for actually doing something.  You know, did Reagan put a hashtag up saying “Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” #walldown?   No.  It took action. 


Terrorists Who Kidnap Little Girls


 ‘These people are crazy’: Glenn Beck reacts to shocking video from the 2014 White Privilege Conference


Raise Middle-Class Wages, Not the Minimum Wage


Mitch McConnell’s cronies want AMNESTY 

Mitch McConnell’s cronies just dropped another $500K to buy time for ads to elect Mitch McConnell. Who are these cronies and why are they wasting so much money to buy this seat?  

These McConnell cronies support amnesty, and they want to continue supporting a Senator they can trust to push legislation that fits their personal big government agenda.

McConnell’s cronies want to pass amnesty!   Yes, that is correct.

The head of the Chamber of Commerce even gave the GOP an ultimatum yesterday.

Look! You can see for yourself…the headlines are everywhere.
Bevin for Senate

How Far School Choice Policies Have Come in Two Decades


‘The commands of government officials must be obeyed by all’: Check out the Common Core worksheet that will make your eyes bleed


Common Core Govt Control

Russia to ban US from using Space Station over Ukraine sanctions

In retaliation for imposing sanctions, Russia will also bar its rocket engines from launching US military satellites


Great News: Russia Cutting Off US From the International Space Station

“I propose that the United States delivers its astronauts to the ISS with the help of a trampoline,”


GOOD !!!   Now maybe Obama will stop telling NASA to “make Muslims feel good about themselves” and get them back to SPACE EXPLORATION !!!

Update on Operation Underground Railroad


Education Secretary Arne Duncan to Probe Why Young Black and Hispanic Men Are ‘Less Successful’ in the Job Market



So what ELSE is new ????

Propagandized Millennials Scared to Death of a Melting Glacier in the Antarctic



Google must delete ‘irrelevant’ links at the request of ordinary individuals, rules top EU court

The court’s decision will allow individuals the right to ask internet search engines to remove links to information about them that they do not want known


That’s a large-caliber Desert Eagle he’s holding…but keep your eye on the hat


Even Jeff Cooper would call that “Major Caliber” !


This is that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around…reloading.



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“Keep your hands off our guns, dammit.” – Sheriff David Clarke Jr.

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.13.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Greece’s Neo-Nazi Party Gets OK to Participate in EU Vote


Okay, everyone meet at the Beer Hall after work . . .

Sharp rise in French Jews leaving for Israel

The reasons for the hike in numbers were a “climate of anti-Semitism” and the prevailing gloomy economic situation in France.


Here we go again . . . I thought my father and his contemporaries settled this 70 years ago !!!

Chuck Norris: White House’s Cover-up of Benghazi


Benghazi - dems bury truth

Democrats Won’t Really Sit Out Benghazi Hearings


Dummycrats? We don’t need no stinkin’ Dummycrats !

They will just LIE anyway !!!

Benghazi ObamaHillaryLyingtoAmericaPelosi

When will John Boehner turn to immigration?

Supporters of reform see a window after the GOP’s 2014 primary season is over and before the August recess for House action, but Boehner gave no indication of a similar timetable.


With any luck, House Republicans will come to their senses and ELECT A NEW SPEAKER !!!

Leftist Thought Police Emboldened and on a Tear



Five Ways Universities Quash Free Speech


 Former Treasury Secretary Claims Obama White House Instructed Him to Mislead Americans on Social Security

” I objected when Dan Pfeiffer wanted me to say Social Security didn’t contribute to the deficit … He had to explain that the phrase was code to the Democratic base, signaling that we intended to protect Social Security,” 


Omama gives the finger

Obama’s Minimum Wage Executive Order Leaves Group of Vets in the Cold

“We fought all your wars, and now we’re broke. Where do we go from here?”


Rep. David Schweikert: VA Scandal Likely ‘Nationwide’


Heroes wear dog tags

Linda Brickman and the Battle for Arizona Committee of States

“They knew that there would be a time when tyranny was going to take over, when there was too much control by the Supreme Court, and not enough power given back to the states. It’s there for a reason. It’s time for us to use it.”


Apathy in America is repulsive. Ninety percent of the population appears to be content to say and do NOTHING until it is too late….


freedom of speech billy graham

ICE Released Murder, Sexual Assault, Kidnapping Convicts in 2013

A murder or assault conviction is no guarantee an immigrant will be deported or even remain in detention


Justina Pelletier Moved Back to Her Home State


“Bigoted Hate Group” Saves NBC’s Ann Curry

“So, the Scouts ‘started running into the woods,’ and returned with wood, which they combined with tarp, to craft a makeshift stretcher to help carry Curry to the trailhead where her husband and son had gone for help.  By that point, forest rangers had shown up after Curry’s accident was reported.  ‘They asked, “Is there somebody up there who needs rescuing?” And [the scouts] said, “It’s taken care of,”‘ Jurgens said.

As an old Boy Scout and Scoutmaster, this story makes me even MORE proud of the BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA !!!

GOOD JOB, BOYS. I’m PROUD of you !!!


Glenn Greenwald: Criticism of President Hillary Will Be Labeled “Misogynistic”, like opposition to Obama has been depicted as “racist”


Yeah, I had to look it up too:

“mi·sog·y·nis·tic – [mi-soj-uhnis-tikadjective reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust, or mistreatment of women.”

Perhaps it fits. I definitely “dislike” and “mistrust”


Hillary Truth 2016

High Taxes Are Not What We Need


Matt Blevin 2

 Guess How Much Money the Feds Awarded to These Four Failed Obamacare Exchanges


Obamacare 8

Ohio Man Says Job Offer Was Rescinded Because He Was Home-Schooled


NiSource apparently wants employees who are “brainwashed” with the Progressive/Socialist/Communist party line, rather than employees who have received a good education !!!

Senator: Feds Pressured States to Adopt Common Core

Sen Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) dismissed the notion that Common Core was a decision made by state educators, saying the federal government pressured most states to adopt the K-12 math and English standards.


The Michigan teacher and union member who is fighting back against Common Core


The ‘Teacher Basher’ Myth and the Bullying of the Educational Establishment

Unions and their enablers have their own version of the “race card” in education: criticize the government education system and they will label you a “teacher basher.”


Good riddance: Common Core backlash claims new political casualties


Common Core Govt Control

Look How Republicans Responded After Democrats Prevented Votes on GOP Amendments



Next Tuesday is election day in Kentucky.


We have a strong CONSTITUTIONALIST option. I have met and spoken with MATT BEVIN, he’s the REAL DEAL. Don’t believe the LIES promulgated by the McConnell camp !!!

VOTE FOR MATT BEVIN next Tuesday !!!

Bevin for Senate

A Stark Comparison of How Culture Has Treated Michael Sam Versus One Player Who Wears His Faith on His Sleeve


Tebow - Collins

Senator John Thune (R–SD)  Seeks to Prevent Trillion-Dollar-per-Year EPA Regulation


EPA Eco Terrorists

Texas Gun Shop’s ‘Funny’ Sign Is Sure to Rile Up the Left: ‘I Like My Guns Like Obama Likes…’


guns - illegals

I Just Realized Something:

My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.

He has his food prepared for him.
His meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup and again during the year, if any medical needs arise.
For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him.
He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever.
All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks ~

 MY dog is a  DEMOCRAT


“A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed
employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free
food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law
enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does,
indeed, exist: It’s called prison.”
–  Sheriff Joe Arpaio



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.12.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Iran Says It Has Copied a Captured U.S. Drone — and the Ayatollah Even Tweeted a Photo


Fatalities Reported After Armed Men, Allegedly Ukrainian National Guard, Open Fire on Crowd


Greek Supreme Court clears neo-Nazi party for EU vote


And our fathers and grandfathers thought they had taken care of that “little problem”.


Dummycrats Now Calling Benghazi Select Committee a ‘Kangaroo Court’


“They are a breed apart and make no sense.” – Chingachgook, last of the Mohicans

Benghazi hearings wall

Have all of the questions about Benghazi been answered?‏

It has been repeatedly stated that all of the questions about Benghazi have been answered, and that this is “old news.” If that is the case, can anyone answer the legitimate questions raised in this three minute video? Don’t we owe it to the Americans (including two Navy Seals) who died there for us to get the answers, and why are these legitimate concerns merely being labeled as political posturing?

What Nancy Pelosi Claims Two Families of Benghazi Victims Have Told Democratic Lawmakers


“It is better for someone to think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” ― Will Rogers

Nancy Pelosi for Conservatives

Eleanor Clift’s Absolutely Astonishing Benghazi Claims Could Raise Your Blood Pressure Just a Tad

“I would like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not ‘murdered,’” Clift exclaimed (even adding air quotes for good measure), “he died of smoke inhalation in a safe room in that CIA installation.”


I may have to apologize to Nancy Pelosi. This woman makes Nancy look like an intelligent, Conservative woman! 

If Ambassador Stevens died of “smoke inhalation”, than President Kennedy died “in a traffic accident” !!!

“Life is tough. It’s tougher when you’re STUPID.” – John Wayne as Sgt. Stryker

John Bolton: Benghazi to ‘haunt’ Hillary for 2016

Clinton ‘going to have to answer’ for fatal onslaught


“The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.” ― Will Rogers

Hillary Truth 2016

Bolton: Benghazi to ‘haunt’ Hillary for 2016

Clinton ‘going to have to answer’ for fatal onslaught

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/bolton-benghazi-to-haunt-hillary-for-2016/#5tq0x6Gj81jue5ZK.99

Obama, State Fall on Sword to Protect Islamists


Will the House arrest Lois Lerner?

The House has held Lois Lerner in contempt, but it won’t use its power to place the former IRS official under arrest, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said on Sunday.


John Boehner seems to think the Obama Administration will respond to “pretty please with sugar on top” !!!

I Checked My “Privilege”, And It’s Doing Just Fine


Obama Nominates Anti-Constitution Lawyer to Federal Court


Obama Shadow - 3 More Years of Tyranny

Obama Nominates Anti-Constitution Lawyer to Federal Court
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/6107/obama-nominates-anti-constitution-lawyer-federal-court/#1xR9bcLyErBsp8gA.99

Meet the new fascists – and their victims

David Kupelian documents shocking wave of totalitarian attacks in America


“Fascism should more appropriately called Corporatism because it is the merger of State and Corporate power” – Benito Mussolini

Just about the same

Meet the new fascists – and their victims

Exclusive: David Kupelian documents shocking wave of totalitarian attacks in America

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/meet-the-new-fascists-and-their-victims/#c5QvyYluJk1MdAXq.99

Congressman Laying Groundwork For Executing American Citizens


Show Us the Drone Memos


Summary EXECUTION of American citizens without trial? Yes, this needs to be investigated. If the American citizen is shooting at American troops, I have no problem with it.

But otherwise, Obama had better have a


Obama Rips Constitution

Who Will Blink First on Immigration?


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


I’m sure AMERICAN workers are thrilled !!!

Undocumented Democrats

Rubio Has Blunt Words on Climate Change, Hillary Clinton


Marco Rubio: I’m Ready to be President


We could do worse – but I think we can do better.

ted or rand 2016

Tea Party Alive And Well – And Influencing Blacks


Why The Tea Party Won


Tea Bag Dec 16 1773.

Tea Party Boos, Heckles Eric Cantor in His Home District — and That Wasn’t Even the Worst of It


Eric Holder Guns Down Gun Owners and Journalists


guns ban assault on guns 2

New Court Ruling Will Change How And Where You Drive


Woman faces wiretapping charges after allegedly recording her own arrest


Just Wait Until You Hear What UCLA Student Government Candidates Are Being Asked to Sign


Widow May Be Caned After Gang Rape by Sharia Vigilanties


THIS is the SHARIA LAW that many want to bring to the United States !!!   Do YOU want THIS in AMERICA ???

Radical Islam rising America

School scorched for having kids bow to ‘sun god’


We can have the “sun god” in schools but NOT the Ten Commandments? Yeah, Sure, THAT makes sense !!!

School scorched for having kids bow to ‘sun god’
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/school-scorched-for-having-kids-bow-to-sun-god/#xDtPjTdKXevlPFhi.99

Need Help Solving 14 + 4? How-to-Add Guide Is Your Ticket to Mathematics Salvation


I’m certainly no math genius, but it’s obvious from this story that, considering the way basic math is being taught, the answer is HOME SCHOOL YOUR KIDS !!!

New Battle Against the Bureau of Land Management Breaks Out in Utah — Here’s How Dozens Just Protested the Federal Agency


Nothing Could Prepare Her for What Would Happen After She Threw Out the First Pitch


“Government is, at every level, an insatiable beast. It has neither brain nor conscience, only a perpetually ravenous appetite. If we allow it, when it has eaten all we can give it, it will eat us too.” – Thomas Madison….



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.11.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Secret Service Agents Pulled From White House Patrol to Protect Agency Director’s Assistant, Personal Friend


Benghazi: What REAL Dummycrats REALLY Think


British Islamist: Muslims Should Humiliate Christians to Make them Convert


Ignorance of Radical Islam’s History Is Death


“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.” – Sir Winston Churchill, 1899


Missouri Committee Passes Convention of States Application


Convention of States Gaining Momentum in Illinois





Federal Judge Brings An End To Political Witch Hunt in Wisconsin

local prosecutors, led by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, a Democrat, were attempting to criminalize the political speech of about 30 conservative organizations, including Wisconsin Club for Growth


If government is the answer – IT WAS A STUPID QUESTION !

Dem Candidate’s Plan to Mock Republicans’ ‘Racist Record’ Unravels When He’s Confronted by Black GOP Delegate

“The Democratic Party is the party that’s constantly trying to put people on labels and in blocs and things like that,” Stevens lectured. “Your party is the party that’s trying to tell black families that they don’t know how to make choices to educate their children and that they have to stay in public education.”


Congressman Trey Gowdey:

 Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) turned the tables on the media and asked them questions about Benghazi. The silence was deafening.
Best video clip I’ve seen in months. I hope you watch it ~ it’s only 3 minutes.
The Media should be embarrassed by Congressman Trey Gowdy’s questions.

 This is most certainly the most embarrassing event that has occurred in the last 16 months. The burden falls on the media who have not done anything to investigate this.

Have you seen this video yet? It’s amazing!!!!!!
Click Here

I would love to see this guy become  “House Speaker” 

Matt Bevin:

Today marks 9 days until the Kentucky primary election and we urgently need your help. We need to get the truth out about Matt Bevin, so people know for the first time in 30 years, Kentuckians have a real choice on who they send to Washington. 


Mitch McConnell has spent over $12 million to launch vicious attack ads against Matt Bevin. When you can’t run on your record, you attack your opponent.

The stakes are too high and we can’t afford another six years of a go-along-to-get-along politician in Washington. We need Matt Bevin in the US Senate to stand with conservative fighters like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee. 

Here are Your Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Matt Bevin

  1. Job Creator 
  2. Veteran
  3. Pro-2nd Amendment
  4. Pro-Life
  5. Supports Traditional Marriage
  6. Pro-Limited Government
  7. Supports Term Limits
  8. Opposes Tax Increases   
  9. Against Amnesty
  10. Supports School Choice

 Bevin Senate 2014

Nebraska Senate Race: Ben Sasse Surges to 14-Point Lead


Federal Debt Matters, and It Matters Now


5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor


“Just Believe”: The Closing Of The American Progressive Mind On Matters Of The Economy And Energy


Ammo Shortage

This morning I lucked out and was able to buy two boxes of ammo. I placed the boxes on the front seat and headed back home, but stopped at a gas station where a drop-dead gorgeous blonde in a short skirt was filling up her car at the next pump. 

She glanced at the two boxes of ammo, bent over and leaned in my passenger window, and said in a sexy voice, “I’m a big believer in barter, old fella. Would you be interested in trading sex for ammo?”

 I thought for a few seconds and asked, “What kind of ammo ‘ya got?”


“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power not longer susceptible of any definition.”Thomas Jefferson



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag