Tag Archives: Chinese

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 4.6.2014

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Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Flight of Honor

Two Air Force Pilots, Major Howard V. Andre Jr. and Major James E. Sizemore, were recently buried at Arlington National Cemetery and were honored with a flyover by civilian pilots. The Air Force pilots were killed In Action over Laos during the Vietnam War and their remains were only recently discovered and returned for proper burial at Arlington. This Flight of Honor was truly awesome for the other pilots to plan and conduct it.
The video is from a local news outlet in the Orlando area. God bless those who did the flyover and God rest the souls of the two pilots lost so long ago!

What a great thing those heroic Airmen did!  They covered their own costs including a large amount for the fuel.


Proving once again that we Americans LOVE AND RESPECT OUR MILITARY HEROES. What these retired pilots did was wonderful !    The U.S. Air Force’s REFUSAL to do a flyover WAS A DISGRACE !   My father spent 10 years in the USAAF/USAF from World War 2 to Korea. I’m sure he is turning over in his grave over this !

Flying Band Aid

Asian leaders watching Obama’s ‘capitulation’

U.S. response to Crimean takeover gets attention of Chinese, North Korean leaders


Obama Budget Supersizes U.S. Funding for UN, Global Military


Obama and Putin 2

The Complete Interactive Guide To How The NSA Spies On Everything You Do


Franklin Graham: Obama is Waging an “Anti-Christ” War Against God


HMMM, I never really considered the possibility of Obama being the Anti-Christ. I wonder . . . ??? 

Iran’s New U.N. Ambassador Exploited American Hostages


CAIR’s Jihad against Honor Diaries

The “civil rights” group hides Islam’s denial of civil rights to Muslim women.


Gutierrez: Obama Ready to Halt Deportations With Executive Orders


Three Mexican Cartel Tunnels Discovered Under US Soil This Week


How Environmentalists Are Killing Jobs

America does have a gaping infrastructure crisis, but fixing this problem wouldn’t cost a penny of taxpayer dollars, never mind hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt, so the White House probably won’t be interested.


obama_Oval Office

Inmates getting coverage under ObamaCare, as states shift cost to feds

King Hussein has found another ideal recruiting ground for Obamacare. He has already corralled illegal aliens, signing them up as soon as they seek public assistance. Now prison inmates are being rewarded with free healthcare, not only while incarcerated, but also when they are released. The last paragraph says it all. The states are being made an offer they can’t refuse. The feds are picking up 100% of the cost. What’s not to like? Unless you happen to be a taxpayer, of course….


Obamacare Is Still A Fraud!


States Fight Katrina-Like Gun Confiscation

Nebraska could soon become the latest state to bar state authorities from banning or confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens during a state of emergency.


Victory for Gun-Rights Proponents as Open-Carry Bill — Possible Nationwide Model — Approved by State’s Lawmakers in Kansas

The measure also would prevent cities and counties from enacting restrictions on the sale of firearms and ammunition, or imposing rules on how guns must be stored and transported. Existing ordinances would be void, and local governments could not use tax dollars for gun buy-back programs.


Now THAT is the type of “preemption law” we need !!!

It’s time to teach the gun-grabbers what SHALL NOT BE INFRINGEDmeans !  WE DEMAND the return of out AMERICAN FREEDOMS !!!

And speaking of Lost American Freedoms:

The Left’s Evolving Hierarchy of Rights

These are merely a few of many examples. All involve religious believers invoking their sacred First Amendment rights, only to have those rights rejected by those describing themselves as “liberal” and professing “diversity” and “tolerance.” In truth, you are not free to disagree with liberals on this issue. They won’t let you. They will compel you. They will see you in court, in bankruptcy, maybe even in jail.


This, my friends, is called FASCISM !!!

Just about the same

The Liberal Gulag: The Brendan Eich case brings out the nature of liberal fascism.



Brendan Eich had no intention of changing Mozilla’s corporate policy toward gays, but that didn’t matter. Tolerance isn’t enough. As Erick Erickson put it, “You will be made to care.”


The Left’s Central Delusion: Its devotion to central planning has endured from the French Revolution to Obamacare.

The French Revolution was their chance to show what they could do when they got the power they sought. In contrast to what they promised — “liberty, equality, fraternity” — what they actually produced were food shortages, mob violence, and dictatorial powers that included arbitrary executions, extending even to their own leaders, such as Robespierre, who died under the guillotine.


Banks Play Ball with Government to Hand Over Your Assets


Glenn Beck: Matt Bevin ‘Called of God’

Beck also said that Mitch McConnell was as great a danger to the country as Barack Obama.


Bevin Senate 2014

Florida House to Vote on Convention of States Application


Global Economic Meltdown


‘Don’t Think That Can’t Happen’: Rush Limbaugh’s Terrifying Vision of Where the ‘Road We Are on’ Leads


Glenn Beck: To Fight Progressivism, ‘Know What You Believe In — And Then Hold Fast to It’

“The progressive disease is in both parties, period. It’s antithetical to the American system, period.”


Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Overhaul — Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why


That’s a far cry from the REALLY healthy lunches we had when I was in school. We had REAL MEAT, potatoes, vegetables, salads, jello, and fresh-baked-at-the-school dinner rolls, pies and cakes. The most “unhealthy” day (our favorite, of course) was Thursday when we could get Sloppy Joes and French Fries. There were always multiple items on the menu from which we could choose, and they were ALL excellently and freshly prepared. THE FOOD WAS GREAT !

One Candidate Stands on Principle


Ted Cruz 4

Real Self Reliance: A Model for Profitable Micro-Farming (On Just 1.5 Acres)



“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

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