Tag Archives: Fed tapering

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.5.2014

Paul Reveres News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Where was Obama? Question resurfaces of president’s whereabouts during Benghazi attack


Charles Krauthammer: White House Benghazi E-mail ‘Equivalent’ to ‘Nixon Tapes’


Brit Hume, Former Democratic Representative Jane Harman Get Into Heated Exchange Over Benghazi


Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to Obama Admin:  “You Lied Again on Benghazi”


Democrats suggest boycott of Benghazi hearings


Peter King: Democrats Making Big Mistake Boycotting Benghazi Panel


Benghazi 09

11 Members of Violent Terror Cell Reportedly Arrested, Interrogated in MH370 Probe


Ukraine crisis: ‘This is not some kind of a short-lived uprising. It is a war’


Odessa Jewish community mulls emergency evacuation


Russia adopts war-time rhetoric in showdown with Ukraine

Russian official rhetoric has increasingly compared events in Ukraine to the darkest crimes of Nazi Germany…


CIA, FBI agents ‘advising Ukraine government’: report


Russian bombers, fighter jets ‘seen over Crimea’


Russian TU-95 bomber - 2

Why Is The Media Silent About The Crucifixion Of Christians By Radical Jihadists?


Mexican Military Repeatedly Invades the USA – Obama Does Nothing


Mexican Military Repeatedly Invades the USA – Obama Does Nothing
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/5983/mexican-military-repeatedly-invades-usa-obama-nothing/#e2oQATE2hzaV8XHZ.99

Panel Approves Troop Reductions, Not Benefit Cuts


The decline of deterrence

America is no longer as alarming to its foes or reassuring to its friends


Obama Shrink military

The Number Of Working Age Americans Without A Job Has Risen By 27 MILLION Since 2000


Shocking US jobs data impugns recovery, Fed tapering

Friday’s figures are a warning that the US recovery may be losing momentum


Recovery?  WHAT RECOVERY ?

All I see is America heading for a 1930s-type Depression caused by governmental interference with the economy, combined with Hyper-Inflation when our creditors demand payment of our ever-increasing National Debt.

Obamas PLAN for USA

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Race and Freedom

“But it [the Constitution] will not condone free speech zones for the sake of government convenience. The entire United States of America is a free speech zone.”


It’s nice to have Judge Napolitano verify what I said a week ago !

Obama Vows Continued Use of Executive Action


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Mitch Lie about Matt

This is another Mitch McConnell “Fish Story” !!!

Matt said that he ATTENDED A SEMINAR at MIT, NOT that he had graduated from MIT.

Mitch McConnel telling fish story 2

Matt Bevin Duke

9 Obamacare Predictions That Have Come True


Obamacare’s Doom

Its non-participation tax penalty did not originate in the House.


Egypt’s Counter-terrorism War Undermined by US Insistence on Muslim Brotherhood


Obama Supports Terrorism

Rick Perry: No ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ for Death Penalty, Minimum Wage


Grass Roots Groups Join in Campaign to Terminate Common Core Standards Project


Common Core Govt Control

Is John Boehner Stupid, Bought, Or On The Other Side?


At Derby Day With Rupert Murdoch, Rand Paul Goes Through His Paces


Schools seek changes to healthier lunch rules


Michelle fuehrer food nazis

State Department ‘partner’ of fair featuring anti-Semitic books

 State Department ‘partner’ of fair featuring anti-Semitic books | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/state-department-partner-of-fair-featuring-anti-semitic-books/#ixzz30qKg0jCp

NAZI means natl socialism

Man Strangles Cop in Middle of Street in Broad Daylight. Then He Goes for Officer’s Gun — But Civilians at Scene Are Having None of It



“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” –Thomas Paine


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag