Tag Archives: grassroots conservatives

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 4.22.2014

Paul Reveres Daily News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Okay, it’s “Earth Day”, so here’s my Earth Day Statement:


EPA Eco Terrorists

Tactical advantage: Russian military shows off impressive new gear


State Department: By the Way, It Looks Like Syria Used Chemical Weapons Again


U.S. Releases Another $1 Billion to Iran

Iran has received $2.55 billion since February


WHY are we funding the people who want to KILL US ???

Obama may not actually be a Muslim Terrorist, but he LOVES to fund them and appoint them to sensitive positions in his administration !!!   IMPEACH the S.O.B. !!!


5 Ways Obama Has Destroyed The Rule Of Law In America


How do we despise thee? Let us count the ways . . .

Obama Calls for Highest Sustained Taxation in U.S. History


What can I say?  FLAT TAXABOLISH IRS !!!

Florida and Alaska Officially Pass Convention of States Application

From sea to shining sea, the Convention of States movement is sweeping the nation.


Let Arizona Vote: AZ Senator Andy Biggs Thwarting Convention of States Vote

Arizona Senate President Andy Biggs is blocking a vote on the very popular Convention of States Application (SCR 1016) which calls for an Article V Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution that would limit the scope and power of the federal government.



Experts: Civilians not ready for EMP-caused blackout


ABSOLUTELY CORRECT !   A successful EMP attack would destroy all computers, putting the U.S. technologically back into the 19th century in the blink of an eye. No electricity; no transportation; no food (except what we grow ourselves); no medicines; no communication; police would be limited to “walking a beat”, bicycles or horseback; etc.

I hope you have FIREARMS with which to defend yourselves, because no one else will be able to.

U.S. Conducts Spy Flight Over Russia


US: Russia Has ‘Days, Not Weeks’ to Abide by International Accord



Bundy Family Claims to Have Uncovered ‘Disturbing New Evidence’ in Aftermath of Tense Ranch Battle With Feds


PMS-NBC (MSNBC) Smears Bundy Supporters as “Insurgents,” Attacks Infowars, Drudge


Rand Paul: Bundy Siege is Why Americans Are Getting Angry With Federal Government

Senator Rand Paul says the siege against Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy is a perfect example of why Americans are getting increasingly angry at the federal government’s outrageous abuse of power.


Nevada Standoff a Symptom of Increasing Authoritarianism


Just about the same

Battle lines hardening in Nevada cattle rancher standoff with feds


I actually agree with Harry Reid: HE IS IN TROUBLE !

BLM Eyes 90,000 Acres of Texas Land




Lesson For America? China’s Agenda 21 Forces People Into Cities

Once someone becomes aware of the elements in the UN Agenda 21 initiative, it becomes evident that it may already be happening.

United Nations AGENDA 21

America is a “signatory” country to Agenda 21. Since the plan is a non-binding statement and not a treaty, a vote on the initiative was not necessary. In the United States, more than 500 large and moderate-sized cities are members of an international sustainability organization that reportedly supports the implementation of Agenda 21.


Is The US Military Preparing For The Collapse Of The Dollar?


Americans fleeing the US in record numbers, renouncing their US citizenship….on Approach Of FATCA Deadline


U.S. Government Must Release Secret Papers on ‘Targeted Killings’, New York Court Rules


S.E. Cupp Perfectly Explains Why Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Group Has ‘Crumbled’


You’ve heard what Justice John Paul Stevens wants to do to the Second Amendment — here’s what he’d like to do to the First


1. Elect TED CRUZ or RAND PAUL as POTUS in 2016

2. Appoint judges like ANDREW NAPOLITANO to SCOTUS !

ted or rand 2016

Obama taps veteran of Clinton investigations for chief counsel


FWParade 4

What’s Another Few Months for a Keystone XL Decision?


3 Areas Where Government Needs to Get Out of the Way


The High Cost of Liberalism


Government-Forced Retirement at 57?

In the beginning of our republic, our Founding Fathers fought for freedom from governing tyranny, including for those who worked in government. And if a man’s work ethic, health and passions allowed him to labor until his dying breath, he did so, even in government.


“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” – Thomas Jefferson

California Imitates France as Middle-Aged Move in with Parents


3 Myths About Thomas Jefferson


Jefferson Memorial

Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

Ben Carson: ‘We’re Being Manipulated’ by Those ‘Trying to Divide Us’


The Paycheck Fairness Act Will Harm, Not Help, Women


Supreme Court upholds ban on affirmative action in college admissions


It’s a Lot More Likely You’ll Hear a Liberal Commencement Speaker


University of Kentucky invests $5 million in surveillance cameras


Probably watching for invaders from Tennessee or Louisville

IRS revokes conservative group’s tax-exempt status over anti-Clinton statements


IRS Taking Conservative Scalps


IRS Lois Lerner

Parents Wonder What Brands Like Nike, Mug Root Beer and Barbie Are Doing on State’s Standardized Test


Parents Thought They Were Meeting With the School Principal to Complain About State Testing — Instead, They Were Greeted by a Cop


do as we say or else

Lawmakers Want Government to Remove Proposal That Would Make Beer More Expensive


I’ll DRINK to that !

Michelle Obama: ‘splurging is the key to life’


“Words of Wisdom” from Der Fuehrer

Michelle fuehrer food nazis

Poll: Independent Voters Back Anti-Obamacare Candidates By 25 Points


Dummycrat Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, It’s ‘Going to Hit the Fan’


Obamacare more signups



Bevin - lying bevin ad  by mitch

Bevin DID NOT say he “graduated” from M.I.T. – what he REALLY said was that he ATTENDED A SEMINAR at M.I.T.

Once again – Mitch McConnell LIES !!!

Mitch McConnel telling fish story 2


Mitch McConnell Can’t Win

According to the polls, Mitch McConnell is likely to lose to left-wing Obama-Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes if he is the Republican nominee. These very same, independent polls show that I will beat her in the general election.

Republicans could waste our chance at retaking the Senate, all because Mitch McConnell is too stubborn and too arrogant to simply retire!

Make no mistake about it.  This campaign isn’t just about beating an ineffective leader who has refused to stand up to Barack Obama.
It’s about saving the U.S. Senate seat in Kentucky for the Republican Party and preserving our chance to take back the Senate.

Everywhere I go, Kentuckians tell me they want someone who will fight for conservative policies in Washington.  They want to be represented by someone who will stand up to President Obama and his increasingly lawless regime.
The path to victory in this race is very, very clear. However, Mitch McConnell’s special interest-funded campaign is blasting me every day on television.

Mitch would rather destroy me personally and ruin any chance of Republicans taking over the Senate than give up “his” Senate seat. He doesn’t care about stopping Obama or saving our economy.

This race is all about Mitch’s thirst for power and perks and holding onto this senate seat no matter what the cost. That’s what makes this U.S. Senate race so frustrating for voters.

Mitch McConnell won’t debate the issues.  His entire campaign is simply launching wave after wave of negative ads attacking me and my character.

And now that I’m closing in on him, Mitch is more desperate than ever. These negative ads are all that Mitch McConnell has left.  He has essentially no volunteers. Grassroots conservatives truly dislike him.

He has a track record of votes that he is unable and unwilling to defend.
He has no new vision for the future to present to the people of Kentucky.

All he has is a huge campaign war chest and a staff of D.C. campaign consultants who love to throw mud. Remember, if Mitch McConnell wins the Republican nomination, it looks almost certain that he will lose this seat in the fall!

We, the people, must win this race!

Matt Bevin

Bevin for Senate


“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.” – Thomas Jefferson



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 4.14.2014

Paul Reveres Daily News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

One Ukrainian Officer Dead, Five Injured in Sloviansk as More East Ukraine Cities Fall


Ukraine Launching Full Anti-Terrorist Operation Against Pro-Russians in the East


Russia Denounces Ukraine’s Operation Against Pro-Russians, Ukraine Claims Moscow Behind Attacks




Is Harry Reid Involved? Seven Answers to Seven Questions You’re Probably Asking Right Now About the Nevada Rancher Situation


Meet the Pro-Bundy Nevada Official Who Wants to Transfer Land Control to the State and Calls the Feds’ Action ‘Unprecedented’

  • Elko County, Nev., Commissioner Demar Dahl said that the land in dispute in the case of rancher Cliven Bundy does belong to the federal government.
  • However, he’s part of a state-sanctioned task force charged with bringing public land under state control.
  • He believes the government’s response to the dispute has been “unprecedented.”
  • The man who says he’s a friend of Bundy’s also added that the rancher did try to pay the county his grazing fees instead of the federal government.
  • “I don’t know why he hasn’t mentioned this more often.”


More evidence that the Bundy siege is not over. From a DHS source…. “The people are being hoodwinked into believing the situation is being resolved. It is NOT. It is a strategic de-escalation to fool the public.”


Remember I mentioned Wild Horses in Utah yesterday ???

Muslim Brotherhood Flees London After British PM Launches Investigation


I hope you don’t expect Obama or Holder to start an investigation in America – After all, Obama has the Muslim Brotherhood working IN THE WHITE HOUSE !!!

Must Read: Fed Employees Rollout A Bold Idea To Trap The Entire Country’s Wealth

Capital controls are simply laws that regulate and restrict what you are allowed to do with your money . . .


Islamists are rising in America while we sleep

We have become so damn politically correct that a vile organization that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Islamic terrorist funding case in America can thumb its nose and by intimidation and coercion deny free speech and freedom of expression in our country.

e have become so damn politically correct that a vile organization that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Islamic terrorist funding case in America can thumb its nose and by intimidation and coercion deny free speech and freedom of expression in our country.
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/islamists-rising-america-sleep/#43ml0SG18LuDktZ7.99
e have become so damn politically correct that a vile organization that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Islamic terrorist funding case in America can thumb its nose and by intimidation and coercion deny free speech and freedom of expression in our country.
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/islamists-rising-america-sleep/#43ml0SG18LuDktZ7.99


Radical Islam rising America

Palin: Obama Doesn’t Understand or ‘Chooses to Disrespect our Constitution’


Weekend Review: New Inquisition

We are in a new Inquisition. Self-appointed censors try to stamp out any idea or word that they don’t wish to be aired . . .


Ex-CBS Journalist Active in Covering Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Describes ‘Chilling Effect’ Obama Admin. Has on Reporting


US Navy christens huge $3 billion destroyer ship USS Zumwalt that appears as a fishing boat on enemy radar


Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton during speech, woman in federal custody


Hillary shoe bengazi

UN green police say ditch oil and change your diet


I have a better idea:


By 2024, The Democrats Will Be An Atheist Party


DCCC Chair Steve Israel: Not All, but Most Republicans Are Racists


Racist 1

Obama Administration Bans Junk Food in Schools

In another from-the-top decree, President Obama and his USDA have used regulatory powers to officially ban all junk foods from the nation’s schools.


Michelle Obama, Fuehrer of the Food Nazis, strikes again !

Michelle fuehrer food nazis

Backers Report $4 Million Raised in Ben Carson for President Campaign


Austin Civil Rights Panel Labels Common Core Criticism a ‘Fraud’


Common Core Govt Control

Islamists are rising in America while we sleep
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/islamists-rising-america-sleep/#43ml0SG18LuDktZ7.99
Islamists are rising in America while we sleep
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/islamists-rising-america-sleep/#43ml0SG18LuDktZ7.99


Missouri House Passes ‘Castle Doctrine’ Expansion


IRS Scandal Continues: An IRS Employee Urged People to Reelect Obama


Holding the IRS Accountable

You did it!

For almost a year, conservatives demanded answers on why the IRS illegally targeted liberty groups. This is a huge scandal the mainstream media tries to whitewash. In America, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are supposed to protect the freedom of speech and right to peacefully assemble.

The IRS violated the 1st Amendment rights of patriotic Americans who only wanted to make their country a better place. Progressive groups were given a pass.

The American people wanted answers on why this illegal targeting took place. They demanded action and accountability. Lois Lerner, the official who led the IRS’s tax-exempt organizations office, refused to testify before Congress on her role in the scandal. 

FreedomWorks members like you sent a whopping 10,000 messages to Congressional leaders and demanded action. And it worked! House Republicans listened to you. The House Oversight Committee is going to hold Lois Lerner in contempt for not answering questions regarding the IRS targeting scandal.

This was a huge win.

You refused to back down. You refused to be intimidated. And you refused to accept “NO” as an answer.

Rep. Darrell Issa led the charge to hold Lois Lerner accountable. He deserves our thanks for taking action against the IRS’s illegal actions.

Another Victory Over The IRS

Holding Lois Lerner in contempt wasn’t the only victory grassroots conservatives had on the IRS.

You know the IRS proposed new regulations to stifle the free speech of conservative groups. And you know that if these rules take effect, tea party groups across the country will have a harder time organizing.

It was up to conservatives to stop the IRS’s power-grab. The liberal media was silent on the issue. They want the IRS to silence conservatives.

Patriots like you wouldn’t take these new regulations sitting down. You took action. You went to the IRS’s website and submitted hundreds of thousands of comments. You created such an uproar, that the IRS bureaucrats were forced to listen to you.

According to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, patriots like you sent more comments on this proposed regulation than the IRS received in the past seven years combined! Because of your actions, the IRS has to delay the new regulations.

That gives us more time to stop these IRS rules completely.

The IRS tried to infringe on your rights by fast tracking new regulations. But you stopped them. This victory shows the power of our grassroots movement.

IRS Congrats


The Greatest Play In Baseball – Rick Monday Saves U.S. Flag




Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag