Tag Archives: Running for President

Paul Revere’s News Brief – 5.18.2014

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Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Here’s What Jay Carney told TheBlaze About the Newly Released IRS E-Mails


In the immortal words of that great WW-2 philosopher, Sergeant Schultz, “I KNOW NOTH-THING, NOTHING” !!!

Obama I am NOT a CROOK

Veterans scandal risks engulfing Obama


Hillary, Kerry Broke Law That Could Have Prevented Criminal Immigrant Releases


Congressman Andy Barr (R KY): Holding the IRS Accountable‏

Knowing of your interest in the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) alleged systematic targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, I wanted to send you an update regarding  the subsequent congressional actions taken to hold IRS officials accountable.  I hope you find this update informative. 

In February 2012, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform began investigating allegations that the IRS systematically targeted and unfairly scrutinized conservative groups and organizations seeking 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status.  As you may know, Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code permits incorporation of organizations that meet certain criteria and focus on advancing “social welfare” goals.  Organizations granted 501(c)(4) status are not subject to federal income tax.  However, documents leaked from the IRS indicate that senior IRS officials, and specifically Director of IRS Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner, were actively discriminating against applications from conservative organizations by obstructing and or delaying the 501(c)(4) approval of these groups.

I believe the American people deserve fair and equal treatment from their government regardless of their political views.  The IRS failed to live up to this standard when it targeted these groups based on their names and ideology.  In response to these revelations, committees of the U.S. House of Representatives have painstakingly gathered information about the IRS’s targeting.  Committee investigators have interviewed dozens of IRS and Treasury Department employees, analyzed hundreds of thousands of documents, issued two reports, and held multiple hearings on the scandal.  While we know a lot about the IRS’s misconduct, key questions remain unanswered.

For these reasons, on May 9, 2014, I voted in favor of holding Ms. Lerner in contempt of Congress for her refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  Ms. Lerner’s testimony remains critical to the Committee’s investigation and I believe her cooperation is an important step toward moving this forward and restoring the American people’s confidence in the IRS.  Our citizens must be reassured that government officials are held accountable when they abuse their power and betray public trust by depriving Americans of their Constitutional right to participate in our democracy, regardless of their political beliefs.  Please know that I will continue to monitor the ongoing investigation in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. 

I hope you will never hesitate to contact my office if we can ever be of assistance.  For example, if you are facing a challenge working with a federal agency or would like to get together with me or my staff, please be in touch with my office in Lexington or visit us during the regular office hours we hold in your county.  A list of my office hours can be found on my website at www.barr.house.gov.

If you plan to visit our nation’s capital, my office can be of assistance scheduling tours of the Capitol building and other historic landmarks.  You can find out more about other services my office provides on my website as well.

Finally, if you would like to stay informed on what is happening in Washington, DC and around the Sixth Congressional District, I encourage you to sign up to receive my e-newsletter by visiting https://barr.house.gov/ENews.

Matt Bevin: There is a “hunger for change” in Kentucky


Matt Bevin’s Response to the Glenn Beck Interview (above)

Did you hear me on the radio with Glenn Beck this morning?  He understands the importance of this race for our country.  He called it “game changing” and I agree with him! 

I couldn’t believe it when Glenn said, “Matt Bevin is the closest thing to a founder I’ve ever met in a candidate, with the possible exception of Mike Lee.” 

Wow!  I was moved to hear him make such a comparison.  What an inspirational thing for Glenn to say.  I am humbled to be put in the same category with someone as principled as Senator Mike Lee, but to be compared to our Founding Fathers… was quite simply overwhelming.  

I am honored that Glenn thinks that way about me, but it’s not just me. It’s the patriots, like you and me, across this land rising up and taking a stand for what we believe in.  We are at a pivotal time in our nation’s history and I am compelled to do all I can to restore this nation to greatness.

Matt Bevin

Bevin for Senate

Missouri Lawmakers Pass Bill to Arm Teachers, Lowers Carry Age from 21 to 19


 Harry Reid Displays Appalling Contempt for the First Amendment


Freedom of Speech?

We don’t need no stinkin’ Freedom of Speech !!!

FCC Moves Forward With ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules


Another assault on our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS !!!

The Clever Way a Web Guru Is Protesting Net Neutrality


net neutrality censorship

MORE Layoffs Due to ObamaCare


Thanks to Obamacare, Your Tax Dollars Are Rewarding Failure

Not one person during the 2014 enrollment period was registered successfully online via Oregon’s exchange. That’s right, Cover Oregon, at $305 million the third-most-expensive state-based exchange in the country, couldn’t figure out how to register one person via its website.


What you don’t know about the American Spring movement


What Rand Paul Is Really Saying About Voter ID

“There was a time in our history when the vote was suppressed. Actually, it was mostly by Democrats back then. But for some reason, [many Americans] think Republicans are a part of this historical suppression of the African-American vote. They think this is just another ploy. So that is the perception. I don’t think that is the truth at all. But because it is perceived that way, we need to be aware of people’s feelings.”


Allen West: I’m Considering Running for President


Ben Carson Said He’d Run for President if He ‘Felt Called by God’ — Well, Guess What


I think either Alan West and Ben Carson would make an EXCELLENT President!  They are definitely on my “short-list” to support after Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

But I still can’t decide between Ted and Rand.

ted or rand 2016

Bill O’Reilly on America’s Race Problem – LISTEN TO THIS !!!


I first became aware of the ratio of Blacks to Whites committing crimes in the late 1960s. I was a darkroom technician at a commercial photo lab owned by a deputy sheriff. The owner had the contract to develop and print all of the “mug shots” for a large county sheriff’s department. This was my job the first thing every morning. I was totally amazed by the number of crimes committed by Blacks as opposed to Whites !!!

I understand that not all people initially arrested and photographed are guilty – but even if HALF are innocent, the ratio is STILL THE SAME !!!


Government Opening Free Gas Stations in Poor Neighborhoods

In the words of Nancy Pelosi – “We have to pass it to find out what is in it”.
Look what’s in it.

As the battle over Obama care rages in Washington, the White House is quietly using a little known provision of the law to roll out a nationwide network of free gas stations for minorities and the poor. According to a report in The Detroit News this morning, the administration is using its authority under the Affordable Care Act to “improve transportation routes to hospitals” to dispense gasoline free of cost in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
The $2 billion-a-year program aims to distribute40 million gallons of free gasoline each year through 70 new gas stations constructed in major metropolitan areas. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) will be responsible for operating the network, whose first station opened yesterday in Detroit.
“It’s not something we’re publicizing very much, for obvious reasons,” explains Dori Salcido, assistant DHS secretary for public affairs. “But under the law we are well within our rights to offer this service, and we think it’s good public policy.
“How are people supposed to get to the doctor’s office if they don’t have gas in their cars? Health insurance is worthless if you can’t make your appointment. This is just another fine example of government stepping in and solving big problems.”
No Gas for You
Although some developing oil-rich nations like Venezuela and Indonesia subsidize gasoline for the poor, the practice has never before been tried in the United States. The plans are proving controversial with some taxpayers who are loathe to see their money go to subsidize others.
“So basically I’m being punished for not living in the ghetto,” says Colin Blair, a white person from the affluent Detroit
suburb of Farmington Hills. “I have three kids and a mortgage. Life isn’t cheap for me either. I could use some free gasoline too.”
An investigation into the station’s operations, however, reveals that Blair is unlikely to be able to use the service.� Supposedly access to the station is determined by income,” says Ebony Jackson, manager of the first Obama station. “But it’s pretty unrealistic to do an income check on each and every driver. So what we do is basically let all the black people pump for free, and charge all the white people the market rate.”
The Obama stations scandal was uncovered by Nolan Finley, a conservative Detroit News columnist widely lauded for his groundbreaking expose’ on Obama phones. Finley says the blatant racial bias in the program is only one of its many outrageous aspects. “The stations have Obama campaign logo on them and giant photos of the president,” he explains.”He’s trying to buy votes ahead of the midterm elections. This is something you normally only see in third world countries. I’ve never been more scared for our democracy.”


Ukraine crisis in space: US takes on the Russians, only this time it’s over the International Space Station


Are you surprised? What did you think would happen when Obama changed NASA’s priorities from space exploration to MAKING MUSLIMS FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES ??? !!!

Sen. Rand Paul Opposes the Nomination of David Barron

President Obama has nominated David Barron, a Harvard law professor and former acting assistant attorney general, to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

While he was an official in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, Mr. Barron wrote at least two legal memos justifying the execution of American citizens abroad without a trial.

On April 30, I wrote to the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, urging him to delay this nomination, pending a court-ordered disclosure of the first memo I knew about. Since that letter, I have learned more. The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter to all senators on May 6, noting that in the view of the Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman, Dianne Feinstein, “there are at least eleven OLC opinions on the targeted killing or drone program.” It has not been established whether Mr. Barron wrote all those memos, but we do know that his controversial classified opinions provided the President with a legal argument and justification to target an American citizen for execution without a trial by jury or due process.

Since then, I’ve read David Barron’s memos concerning the legal justification for killing an American citizen overseas without a trial or legal representation, and I am not satisfied. 

While the President forbids me from discussing what is in the memos, I can tell you what is not in the memos.

There is no valid legal precedent to justify the killing of an American citizen not engaged in combat. In fact, one can surmise as much because the legal question at hand has never been adjudicated. Therefore, I shall not only oppose the nomination of David Barron, but will filibuster.

Click HERE to read my statement in its entirety.

Click HERE to read my op-ed for the New York Times explaining my opposition to Barron’s nomination.

Senator Rand Paul Plans to Object to Federal Reserve Nominations

On Monday, I issued the following letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announcing my intent to object to the pending nominations to the Federal Reserve System unless S. 209, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, is also considered.
The American people have a right to know what this institution is doing with the nation’s money supply. The Federal Reserve does not need prolonged secrecy-it needs to be audited, and my bipartisan Federal Reserve Transparency Act will do just that.

The text of that letter can be found HERE. My entire statement can be found HERE.

When You Hear Where a Student Suspended for a BB Gun in His Car Had It Parked, You Might Scratch Your Head


Suspending a student for having a BB gun in his car OFF OF SCHOOL PROPERTY ???   What’s next? Suspending students for picking their noses in their own bedrooms ???  !!!


Sign in Indiana storefront


This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, Indiana.
You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty; and after all, it is just a sign.

You may ask, what kind of business would dare post such a sign?

Answer: Owen’s Funeral Home 

( You gotta love it !!! )


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 3.12, 2014

Paul Reveres Daily News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Republican Wins Florida Congressional Election In Test Race Over Health Care


Obama Must Show Russia That the United States Supports Ukraine



Obama surgeon general pick: Docs should grill you on guns


Progressivism’s new fight: The war on excellence


Why Liberals Can’t Govern:
Those who believe in the inherent goodness of government avert their eyes from its abuses.


The Liberal Jihad


Liberals accomplished

Rand Paul reacts to Mitch McConnell’s plan to ‘crush’ the TEA Party


Sen. Mike Lee discusses principles, party, and purity


Dana Loesch breaks down her experience at CPAC


Rand Paul Has a Big Problem in Kentucky — and It Could Be the Clearest Indication Yet That He’s Running for President


Rick Perry Guns for 2016 with a ‘Little Rebellion’ That Wowed CPAC


New Poll Spells Some Bad News for Obama: ‘There Is an Advantage for Republicans Right Now’


A new interest in Rahm Emanuel for 2016?


THAT’s just what we need – Obama II !

2016: The Battle to Be Reagan’s Heir . . . Paul and Cruz each try to win the base by channeling the Gipper.


I wish someone would “channel” Calvin Coolidge !

Calvin Coolidge quote

How Irked Is the White House About a Senator’s Allegation of a Constitutional Violation?


Liberals’ Attitude: You’re supposed to spy on THEM, not us !

Heat turned up on Obama’s IRS minion: House panel preparing vote to censure Lois Lerner


IRS Lois Lerner

Unleash American Energy


Time to Eliminate Fannie and Freddie, Not Replace Them


It’s also time to eliminate the Federal Agencies that operate in direct violation of the Tenth Amendment !

Walter Williams: Governed by Rules, Not Men


History Educator Nails It: Liberals Teach Feelings, Not Truth


Schools public to private

Report: U.S. Electric Grid ‘Inherently Vulnerable’ to Sabotage: Multiple unreported incidents raise security concerns


Iran general: ‘Our hands are on the trigger’ to destroy Israel


Harry Reid: Climate Deniers ‘Becoming Less Credible’ With Bad Weather


To mis-quote Harry Reid: “Every day that goes by, every week that goes, every month that goes by, every year that goes by, every time I open my mouth … there’s more evidence of the dangers of my continuing to be a U.S. Senator”

If 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Protect AK-47s, 1st Amendment Doesn’t Protect Modern Media


Gun Rights Wins: Facebook To Keep Pro-Gun Pages


Perhaps the folks at Facebook read the story above?


CBS chief Leslie Moonves: I’ll yank my network off the air


Canada: Christians ordered to teach Wiccan, pagan rites. Court to rule on government’s decision to control religion classes


We Are In FAR Worse Shape Than We Were Just Prior To The Last Great Financial Crisis


General Motors becomes CHINA MOTORS



  LEIGH SALES;   Idiot Journalist    Leigh Sales - journalist

For those that don’t know him, Major General Peter Cosgrove is an Australian.

Major General Peter Cosgrove                    

General Cosgrove was interviewed on TV recently.

Read his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children.

Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you have to love this!
This is one of the best comeback lines of all time.

This is a portion of an ABC interview between a female journalist Leigh Sales and General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military Headquarters. 

So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?


We’re going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.

Shooting! That’s a bit irresponsible, isn’t it?

I don’t see why, they’ll be properly supervised on the rifle range.

Don’t you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

I don’t see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.

But you’re equipping them to become violent killers.

Well, Ma’am, you’re equipped to be a prostitute, but you’re not one, are you?

The broadcast went silent for 46 seconds and when it returned, the interview was over.

God I would pay money to have seen her face…  Leigh Sales - journalist 2


“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”  –  G. K. Chesterton


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


Betsy Ross Flag