Tag Archives: Jerusalem

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 4.21.2014

Paul Reveres Daily News Brief Banner

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

New York Times Columnist: Obama Has a ‘Manhood Problem’ in the Middle East


Perhaps he is missing two very important things ???

Palestinians, Israeli police clash at Jerusalem holy site

Tensions at the site run high during Jewish holidays – Jews are currently celebrating Passover – when Palestinians oppose having Jews try to pray on the compound.


Muslim Brotherhood to Form an American Political Party


Obama if you like your nukes

“I don’t make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts.” ― Will Rogers

At Least One Dead After Shootout in Eastern Ukraine


Ukraine’s Yatsenyuk: President Putin has Dream to Restore the Soviet Union


USSR flag being waved

Ukraine’s Jewish residents look for a refuge in Israel

FEARS that anti-semitism is rising in Ukraine have caused growing numbers of Jewish residents to consider leaving, it emerged yesterday.


Jews urged to flee Ukraine by Holocaust survivor

ALL Jewish people should leave Ukraine at once, a Holocaust survivor warned last night, after “grotesque” anti-Semitic leaflets were handed out in the country.


Ukrainian Leader Has Some Scathing Words for Authors of Anti-Semitic Leaflets

“I made a clear statement urged Ukrainian military and security forces and Ukrainian Department of Homeland Security urgently to find these bastards and to bring them to justice,”


If Ukraine had the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama would be falling all over himself with support


Since Obama has Muslim Brotherhood members WORKING IN HIS ADMINISTRATION, what do you think ???

If Ukraine had the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama would be falling all over himself with support
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/ukraine-muslim-brotherhood-obama-falling-support/#PyG4HcpOAHVqluL0.99

Japan expands army footprint for first time in 40 years, risks angering China


‘Not a Parody’: See How Quickly You Can Spot the Glaring Problem With Anti-Gun Group’s Depiction of a ‘Speeding Bullet’


gun control ad - stupid

You see it, right? Obviously, no bullet would ever shoot out of a barrel with the shell casing.

Cliven Bundy and the Origins of the American Abundance Revolution


David Bailey’s portrait of H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth to mark her 88th birthday


Queen Elizabeth

Happy Birthday, Your Highness !

And Best Wishes from your friends in “The Colonies” !

For what does our Republic stand?


Girl Pledging Allegiance to the Flag

Obama’s origins resurface at intel expert’s trial

British figure defends claim on DNA disproving president’s mother

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/obamas-origins-resurface-at-intel-experts-trial/#GgheL5GgR6lGV4Ve.99

Sharyl Attkisson Says She ‘Became a Target’ of the Left Over Her Reporting — and Guess How CBS News Treated Bush Compared to Obama


Obama’s origins resurface at intel expert’s trial

British figure defends claim on DNA disproving president’s mother


I STILL SAY – There is enough question about Obama’s right to be President that there should be an investigation.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t , LET’S FIND OUT FOR SURE !

You Won’t Believe The Method That Common Core Is Using To Teach Our Kids Subtraction


Common Core Govt Control

Another Amazing Example of Government Stupidity and Political Correctness

. . . create a mandate that parents and others in the community have to attend female sporting events 50 percent of the time? Actually, I shouldn’t even joke about such an idea, lest some bureaucrat think it’s a serious proposal.


“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like” ― Will Rogers

Latest Trick for Illegal Immigrants: Granting Amnesty in Return for Military Service


‘After Birth Abortion’ – Yes, You Read That Right


“That’ll be the day!” – John Wayne as Ethan Edwards

Special Kind of Stupid 2

‘After Birth Abortion’ – Yes, You Read That Right

Read more at http://genfringe.com/2014/04/birth-abortion-yes-read-right/#HZVRklKTby4lb9Ig.99

‘After Birth Abortion’ – Yes, You Read That Right

Read more at http://genfringe.com/2014/04/birth-abortion-yes-read-right/#HZVRklKTby4lb9Ig.99

Obamacare Spawning ‘Medical Homelessness’ Crisis

California Obamacare enrollees are struggling to find doctors who accept their newly purchased health insurance plans.


Democrat: Obamacare Will Bury Democrats in 2014


You’ve heard of a “Bloodless Coup”?  I’m calling for a “Bloodless Revolution” at the voting booth in 2014 & 2016 !

Obamacare to Dictatorship

Israeli Sues Obama Administration for Discrimination


Democrat Mike Honda’s Silicon Valley Campaign Office is Inside SEIU Headquarters



Chicago Police Accused of Cooking Lower Crime Stats


“If you ever injected truth into politics you would have no politics.” ― Will Rogers

What does Mitch McConnell really believe?

The Republican Leader used to stand against ObamaCare. He told conservatives that Obama’s health care takeover should be repealed “root and branch.” 

But his opposition seems to be wavering. He refused to stand with real Conservatives like Ted Cruz to defund ObamaCare. He refused to fight to protect you from Obama’s train wreck. He helped the Progressives fund ObamaCare and destroy our health care system.

Now, Mitch McConnell doesn’t want to stop ObamaCare – he wants to “fix it.” He recently told Kentuckians that “we’re going to figure out a way to get this fixed.” 

McConnell doesn’t get it. Conservatives don’t want to “fix” ObamaCare. We want the federal government to get out of the health care business. We want real Conservatives in Congress to stand up against Obama. We want Conservatives who will fight to repeal ObamaCare and save the economy from radical progressive policies.

Mitch McConnell’s positions are like an Easter egg hunt: you never know what you’re going to get. First he’s against ObamaCare. Then he votes to fund it. Now he wants to fix it. Does that mean he’ll help save ObamaCare?

That’s not conservative. And it’s not real leadership.

Mitch McConnel telling fish story 2

Bevin for Senate

We need to take action as American citizens before it is too late‏

The following is an essay on the current state of affairs in our country. What are our Republican representatives doing to stop this travesty? Our first defense against these transgressions must be at the polls, and we need to vote for candidates who will not sit idly by why these things are happening.

Notre Dame Professor on Obamacare – Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs to read this. 

She is right on target…hard to deny she is correct even if you are a liberal!

By Laura Hollis, a professor at the University of Notre Dame:

The unveiling of the dictatorial debacle that is Obamacare absolutely flabbergasts me. It is stunning on so many levels, but the most shocking aspect of it for me is watching millions of free Americans stand idly by while this man, his minions in Congress and his cheerleaders in the press systematically dismantle our Constitution, steal our money, and crush our freedoms.

The President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (with no small help from Justice John Roberts) take away our health care, and we allow it. They take away our insurance, and we allow it. They take away our doctors, and we allow it. They charge us thousands of dollars more a year, and we allow it.  They make legal products illegal, and we allow it.  They cripple our businesses, and we allow it. They announce by fiat that we must ignore our most deeply held beliefs – and we allow it.

Where is your spine,  America ?

Yes, I know people are complaining.  I read the news on the Internet.  I read blogs. I have a Twitter feed. So what? People in the  Soviet Union complained.  People in  Cuba complain.  People in  China complain (quietly). Complaining isn’t the same thing as doing anything about it.  In fact, much of the complaining that we hear sounds like resignation:  Wow. This sucks.  Oh well, this is the way things are.  Too bad.  Perhaps you need reminding of a few important facts. Here goes:

1. The President is not a king.  Barack Obama does not behave like a President, an elected official, or someone who realizes that he works for us.  He behaves like a king, a dictator – someone who believes that his own pronouncements have the force of law, and who thinks he can dispense with the law’s enforcement when he deigns to do so. And those of us who object?  How dare we?  Racists!  And while he moves steadily “forward” with his plans to “fundamentally transform” the greatest country in human history, he distracts people with cheap, meaningless trivialities, like “free birth control pills”! (In fact, let’s face it: this administration’s odd obsession with sex in general – Birth control!  Abortion!  Sterilization!  Gay guys who play basketball! — is just plain weird.  Since when did the leader of the free world care so much about how people have sex, who they have it with, and what meds they use when they have it? Does he have nothing more important to concern himself with?)
2. It isn’t just a failed software program; it is a failed philosophy. People are marveling that Healthcare.gov was such a spectacular failure. Well, if one is only interested in it as a product launch, I’ve explained some of the reasons for that here.  But the larger point is that it isn’t a software failure, or even a product failure; it is a philosophy failure.  I have said this before: Obama is not a centrist; he is a central planner.  And this – all of it: the disastrous computer program, the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted, the lies, the manipulation of public opinion, the theft of the public’s money and property, and freedom (read insurance, and premiums, and doctors) — IS what central planning looks like.  The central premise of central planning is that a handful of wunderkinds with your best interests at heart (yeah, right) know better than you what’s good for you. The failure of such a premise and the misery it causes have been clear from the dawn of humanity. Kings and congressmen, dictators and Dear Leaders, potentates, princes and presidents can all fall prey to the same imperial impulses: “we know what is good for ‘the people.’  And they are always wrong.  There is a reason that the only times communism has really been tried have been after wars, revolutions, or coups d’état. You have to have complete chaos for people to be willing to accept the garbage that centralized planning produces. Take the  Soviet Union , for example. After two wars, famine, and the collapse of the Romanov dynasty, why wouldn’t people wait in line for hours to buy size 10 shoes? Or settle for the gray matter that passed for meat in the grocery stores?  But communism’s watered-down cousin, socialism, isn’t much better. Ask the Venezuelans who cannot get toilet paper. Toilet paper. ¡Viva la Revolución!
Contrary to what so many who believe in a “living Constitution” say, the Founding Fathers absolutely understood this.  That is why the Constitution was set up to limit government power. (Memo to the President: the drafters of the Constitution deliberately didn’t say “what government had to do on your behalf”).  They understood that that was the path to folly, fear, and famine.
3. Obama is deceitful.   Just as the collapse of the computer program should not surprise anyone, neither should we be shocked that the President lied about his healthcare plan.  Have any of you been paying attention over the past few years?  Obama has made no secret of his motivations or his methods.  The philosophies which inspire him espouse deceit and other vicious tactics. (Don’t take my word for it: read Saul Alinsky.) Obama infamously told reporter Richard Wolffe,  “You know, I actually believe my own bullshit.”  He has refused to be forthcoming about his past (where are his academic records?).  His own pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, told author Ed Klein, that Obama said to him, “You know what your problem is?  You have to tell the truth.” Did Obama lie when he said dozens of times, “If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period!”?  Of course he did.  That’s what he does.
4. The media is responsible. And had the media been doing their jobs, we would have known a lot of this much, much earlier.  The press is charged with the sacred responsibility of protecting the people from the excesses of government. Our press has been complicit, incompetent, or corrupt.  Had they vetted this man in 2008, as they would have a Republican candidate, we would have known far more about him than we do, even now.  Had they pressed for more details about Obamacare, Congress’ feet would have been held to the fire.  Had they done their jobs about Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, NSA spying – or any of the other myriad betrayals of the public trust that this administration has committed, Obama would likely have lost his 2012 reelection campaign. (A fact that even The Washington Post has tacitly acknowledged.  Well done, fellas! Happy now?)  Instead, they turned a blind eye, even when they knew he was lying, abusing power, disregarding the limits of the Constitution.  It was only when he began to spy on them, and when the lies were so blatant that the lowest of low-information voters could figure it out that they realized they had to report on it. (Even in the face of blatant, deliberate and repeated lies, The New York Times has the audacity to tell us that the President “misspoke.”) They have betrayed us, abandoned us, and deceived us.
5. Ted Cruz was right.  So was Sarah Palin.  The computer program is a disaster.  The insurance exchanges are a disaster.  What’s left?  The healthcare system itself.  And this, of necessity, will be a disaster, too.  Millions of people have lost their individual insurance plans.  In 2015, millions more will lose their employer-provided coverage (a fact which the Obama administration also knew, and admitted elsewhere).  The exorbitant additional costs that Obamacare has foisted on unsuspecting Americans are all part of a plan of wealth confiscation and redistribution.  That is bad enough. But it will not end there.  When the numbers of people into the system and the corresponding demand for care vastly exceed the cost projections (and they will, make no mistake), then the rationing will start.  Not only choice at that point, but quality and care itself will go down the tubes.  And then will come the decisions made by the Independent Payment Advisory Board about what care will be covered (read “paid for”) and what will not.  That’s just a death panel, put politely. In fact, progressives are already greasing the wheels for acceptance of that miserable reality as well.  They’re spreading the lie that it will be about the ability of the dying to refuse unwanted or unhelpful care.  Don’t fall for that one, either. It will be about the deaths that inevitably result from decisions made by people other than the patients, their families, and their physicians. (Perhaps it’s helpful to think of their assurances this way:  “If you like your end-of-life care, you can keep your end-of-life-care.”)
6. We are not SUBJECTS. (or, Nice Try, the Tea Party Isn’t Going Away).  We have tolerated these incursions into our lives and livelihoods too long already. There is no end to the insatiable demand “progressives” have to remake us in their image.  Today it is our insurance, our businesses, our doctors, our health care.  Tomorrow some new crusade will be announced that enables them to take over other aspects of our formerly free lives.  I will say it again: WE ARE NOT SUBJECTS. Not only is the Tea Party right on the fiscal issues, but it appears that they are more relevant than ever.  We fought a war once to prove we did not want to be the subjects of a king, and the  Boston Tea Party was just a taste of the larger conflict to come.  If some people missed that lesson in history class, we can give them a refresher.  The 2014 elections are a good place to start. Call your representative, your senator, your candidate and tell them: “We are not subjects. You work for us. And if the word “REPEAL” isn’t front and center in your campaign, we won’t vote for you. Period.”

Laura Hollis is an attorney and teaches entrepreneurship and business law at the  University of  Notre Dame . She resides in  Indiana with her husband and two children.



“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power not longer susceptible of any definition.”Thomas Jefferson



Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

OUR FAVORITE SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 2.18.2014

Impeach Obama Overpass

Libertarians: Quietly plotting to take over America – AND LEAVE YOU ALONE !

Obama’s ‘big breakthrough’ coming by end of year: Official declaration of Palestinian state . . .

the U.S. is set to officially recognize Palestinian rights in eastern sections of Jerusalem . . .



Some are comparing Satan from “The Bible” TV miniseries with President Obama.

It works for me . . .

Trial evidence: U.S. favored Muslim Brotherhood



Warning: Stocks Will Collapse by 50% in 2014


Phyllis Schlafly: America must stop ‘dictatorial Obama’


The United States of Decline: America unravels at an increasingly dizzying pace.


The Real ‘War on the Poor’ Is Being Waged by Obama


Oklahoma and West Virginia Jump on Board Committee of States


The Greatest Conservative President in American History


Calvin Coolidge

From Jerusalem to London to Lubbock: The Global War on Conservatism




Breitbart Texas’ Mission: Saving Liberty At The Center Of Universe


Obama Has Unilaterally Changed or Delayed Obamacare 24 Times


Obama Can’t Stop Talking About His Love For Executive Orders


GOP flocks to bill curbing Obama’s power


Operation American Spring



 Counterterrorism Expert Invited to Sheriff’s Forum Has Liberals, Muslim Apologists Upset


Iran official: US has accepted country’s nuclear enrichment


All the Major Lawless Changes to Obamacare Explained in One Infographic





National license plate database sparks privacy fears


Failing Liberals Turn To Oppression To Hold On To Power


Microaggression Mania: McGill U. student leader apologizes for .gif of Obama kicking open door


IRS ‘trusted partner’ on hunt for sex workers


Secession movement in New York pushes for Big Apple to split from Upstate


Peoples Republik NYC 2

Al Gore’s global-warming rhetoric is put on ice


Atlanta Storm

15 Reasons Why Your Food Bill Is Going To Start SOARING


Rubio: Obama Stimulus ‘Clearly Failed’


Decoding The Political Message: Politicans, Governmentspeak and Brainwash


Voting Rights: Anything but Non-Partisan


Glenn Beck: The reason why we’re so unplugged as a people is because we no longer understand the farmer


Save Social Security Now: The AMAC Social Security Guarantee

“We need to Save Social Security, and we need to save it now”
Dan Weber, AMAC President and Founder


Dear Abby?

Dear Abby,  My husband has a long record of money problems. He runs up huge credit-card bills, and at the end of the month, if I try to pay them off, he shouts at me, saying I am stealing his money. He says pay the minimum…let our kids worry about the rest, but we can hardly keep up with the interest. Also, he has been so arrogant, and abusive toward our neighbors that most of them no longer speak to us. The few that do are an odd bunch, to whom he has been giving a lot of expensive gifts, running up our bills even more. He has also gotten religious. One week he hangs out with Catholics, the next with people who say the Pope is the Anti-Christ, and the next he’s with Muslims. Finally, he’s demanding that before anyone can be in the same room with him, they must sign a loyalty oath. It’s just so horribly creepy! Can you help?   Signed,

Dear Lost,  Suck it up, and stop whining, Michelle. You’re getting to live in the White House for free, travel the world, and have others pay for everything. You can divorce the jerk anytime. The rest of us are stuck with him for 3 more years.     Abby

Grandpa 1Grandpa 2


“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power not longer susceptible of any definition.”Thomas Jefferson


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Betsy Ross Flag

Paul Revere’s Daily News Brief – 1.16.2014

Impeach Obama Overpass

“Fascism should more appropriately called Corporatism because it is the merger of State and Corporate power”  – Benito Mussolini

Isn’t that what President Quisling is giving us?

Obama's Amerika

If government is the answer – IT WAS A STUPID QUESTION !

Watch What Mahmoud Abbas Does When One of His Ministers Calls for Jihad on Jerusalem


13,000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate ‘suicide martyrs’


Hamas Kids weapons-training-635x357

Hamas Suicide Bombers in Training

The Effects of Mass Muslim Immigration


Bipartisan Senate Benghazi Report: Attacks Were ‘Preventable’


No S**T, Sherlock !

Man’s Law vs. Nature’s Law


2014: China’s year for war – and for losing it on all 5 fronts


Dictators Don’t Let the Law Stop Them


Obama Devil Baby

N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers


 We don’t need no stinkin’ Internet !  We are the NSA !

Meet Blackphone, A Highly Secure Device Perfect For Paranoid Sext Fiends


U.S. Automakers and the NSA – Peas in a Pod


As I commented to a friend recently, it’s things like this that tempt me to completely “unplug” from computers, telephones, cable TV,  credit & debit cards, etc, move to an Amish area and use CASH ONLY!

Lawmakers threaten TSA with private screeners


Dozens more Quislingcare regulations coming in 2014


Obamacare Quislingcare Time Bomb: Heirs May Face Bill for Your Healthcare



HAPPY NEW YEAR….New Law….If you have old golf clubs….you can keep your golf clubs….until April, 2014

The administration has passed a new law titled: “The Affordable Golf Club Act” declaring that every citizen must purchase a new set of golf clubs, before April 2014.

This law has been passed, because until now, typically only the wealthy or financially responsible have been able to purchase new golf clubs without the assistance of their government.

This new law ensures that every American can now have “affordable” golf clubs of their own, because everyone is equally entitled to new golf clubs. And if you want to keep the golf clubs you already have, you can do that, until April 2014. These affordable golf clubs will cost from $1,000 to $3,000 each depending on your income level. This does not include taxes, pull cart, electric cart fees, green fees, membership fees, balls, tees, gloves, range finders, storage fees, maintenance, or repair costs. In order to make sure everyone participates and purchases their affordable golf clubs, the costs of owning golf clubs will increase 50% each year up to 400% by year 2018. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don’t want or can’t afford to maintain. People who can’t afford or refuse to maintain their golf clubs will be fined. However, children under the age of 26 can use their parents’ golf clubs until they turn 27 at which time they must purchase their own golf clubs.

If you don’t want, or think you don’t need golf clubs, you are still required to buy them. If you refuse to buy a set or make claims that you can’t afford them, you will be fined $800 until you purchase a set or face imprisonment.

People living in farming areas, ghettos, inner cities, Wyoming, or areas with no access to golf courses are not exempt. Age, health, prior experience or no experience are not acceptable excuses for not buying, maintaining, and using your golf clubs.

A government review board that doesn’t know the difference between a hook and a slice will decide everything. This includes when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your golf clubs along with how many people can ride in your golf cart. The board will also determine if participants are too old or not healthy enough to be able to use their golf clubs.

They will also decide if your golf clubs have outlived their usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories, like a range finder with slope adjustment or a newer and more expensive set of golf clubs.

Those that can afford memberships at expensive golf country clubs will be required to buy memberships. If you are already a member and you like your membership you can keep your membership. After April 2014, a different country club will be assigned for you to purchase a membership.

Government officials are exempt from this new law as they and their families and some of their friends and a few of their friends’ friends can obtain golf clubs at taxpayers expense

My guess is that we had to pass this law so we could find out what’s in it !

More Americans Worse Off Financially Than a Year Ago


Does this surprise any of my readers ?

Tea Party, Conservative Groups Blast Rushed Passage of $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Deal


Thrown Under the Omnibus


Democratic Think Tank Study Finds Harry Reid and Senate Dems are Responsible for Gridlock


Income Inequality


The Failed 50-year Progressive War On Poverty


Obama Loves Unemployed

Americans Should Make Laws for America


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is in trouble in Kentucky


Another RINO that we need to “DITCH“. . .  MITCH !

Government Failures Congress Wants You to Fund This Year



One comment about AMTRAK: There has NEVER been passenger rail service that has operated profitably. They are either subsidized by freight services in the case of a privately-owned railroad, or by the citizens in the case of a government-owned railroad. Americans need to decide if they really WANT passenger rail service, and then decide if they are willing to PAY FOR IT. It’s your choice, America.

Where NOT to be when the DOLLAR COLLAPSE happens


The ‘Lone Survivor’ Review So Controversial Glenn Beck Will Pay the Author to Read It To Marcus Luttrell’s Face


September 11 Terror Attacks Inspire New Jack Ryan to Serve Country



Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products “MADE IN CHINA”, so they don’t show from which country it is made. However, you may now refer to the barcode – remember if the first 3 digits are:
690-692 … then it is MADE IN  CHINA
00 – 09   USA  &  CANADA
30 – 37   FRANCE
40 – 44  GERMANY
471 …   Taiwan
49 ….    JAPAN
50 …    UK

BUY USA & CANADIAN MADE by watching for “0” at the beginning of the number.

A couple of posts back I recommended a blog called The Progressive Cynic. After reading more of his posts, I am finding that while we agree on some issues, we differ on many more. We are all adults, so make up your own mind after reading some of his posts and considering his point of view.


Yours for a FREE AMERICA,

Paul Revere

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Betsy Ross Flag